Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Whole Grain Spaghetti Aglio e Olio

I was first introduced to Aglio e Olio by Rainbows. Aglio means garlic and Olio means oil in Italian and she said this is one easy pasta to prepare. Indeed she was right, and any easy recipe I wanted to try. And I was introduced to whole grain pasta by watching Racheal Ray. Anything whole wheat and whole grain is to my liking because it speaks an healthier choice. So, I purposely searched out whole grain pasta to try, if it's good then next time I will just stick to whole grain pasta, unless the other one is on-sales for a price that I couldn't refuse. I bought some beautiful grape tomatoes the other day and I thought why not I just added some to it. Since I was not used to eating plain pasta, I took out some sea scallops and cut it into half.
Verdict: I really like the whole grain pasta. It was not hard like what I have read. It's as al dente as the white pasta. And it makes me feel healthier by eating it. As for the aglio e olio, I found it kind of plain, needed an extra dose of salt to bring out the flavor. Being a true Asian, I even added some sesame oil! :P Here's my version:


1 small box of whole grain spaghetti
8 sea scallops, half and seasoned with lemon pepper seasoning
Extra-virgin olive oil
Lots of chopped garlic (~5 cloves)
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 cup grape tomatoes, half
Salt and black pepper to taste
Korean Sesame oil


1. Cooked spaghetti per package instruction. Drain and set aside.

2. Heat a saute pan with some EVOO and pan-fry the scallops until cooked. Dish out and set aside.

3. Heat EVOO and add in garlic. Fry until golden and add in the crushed red pepper and grape tomatoes. Mixed well and turned off the heat. Add in the spaghetti & scallops (along with the juice). Season to taste with salt, black pepper and a drizzle of sesame oil.

I submitting this post to Presto Pasta Nights for this week.


  1. I'm like you, i always try to add some asian element into my cooking too. My version of this has hae bee (dried shrimp)and lots of garlic.. :-)


  2. I just posted 2 pasta dishes that I had at havefoodwilltravel.blogspot.com

    YOur creation sounds divine and now I am 100% a pasta fan!

  3. I like Aglio Olio once in a while. Like mine with lotsa garlic.
    Hee heee...but I'm a 重口味 person. So prefer more tomato-based sauce whenever possible.

    I like all kinds of pasta - whole grain, included. But here, hard to find :( ....

  4. i always love your pasta dishes...they are simple yet super yummy...too bad my sous chef isnt a big fan of pasta (except for hor fun, mai fun, and min) hahaha

  5. Good for you,healthier!!.I'm thinking to eat brown rice again soon but I need to shop in Chinatown for it.Yes ,anything with whole wheat is quite different if you not use to it.Years ago when I was on diet,anything make from wheat is good and I can see the result in a month.Of course plus exercise!!Good luck for your recipe:)

  6. wow..what a wonderful and healthy creation....of the lovely olio..olio...I will cook this for lunch...or dinner for son R when he is back from work...have some scallops and cherry tomatoes in fridge......

  7. yum! I'm going to make this next week with sundried tomatoes!

  8. Tatiana,
    I like your version of adding dried shrimps, will certainly kick it up a notch. Thanks!

    Pasta can be delicious too. Those dishes you guys ate sure look yum.

    I also like strong tasting food, so this is quite plain.

    Your sous chef sounded a lot like a typical Asian man! :D

    I also have been thinking on starting on brown rice again. The last time I went to oriental store, it was selling at 50 pounds!! I didn't buy it because I thought it was a lot but now I think I can certainly buy 50 pounds brown rice. I will do a 50%brown and 50% white for softer texture. I bought 100 pounds of white rice before so I can certainly buy the 50 pounds brown rice.

    Thanks Sweet Jasmine and thank you for your recipe.

    Daphne, oh yum it will be soooo good with sundried tomatoes!

  9. I find brown pasta more filling and hence u eat less! Look for brown rice vermicelli(mai-fun) in asian grocery stores. I use it for curry noodles...use less than the reg. mai-fun and it holds better. It's such a great idea to start your kids eating healthy!

  10. Looks simple and delicious. I like that you added in sesame oil.

  11. My kids love this, even without tomato pasta.

  12. Hi Anon,
    Thanks for your tips. Didn't know there is brown rice vermicelli. Will be a look out for it to try!

    Thanks Marc! :)

    That's great that your kids love this. Easy to cook!

  13. Gorgeous dish! The scallops really do add an extra special something to an already perfect pasta. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  14. Thank you Ruth, always love to share with Presto Pasta Night whenever I have a pasta dish. :)

  15. this looks grogeous and i'm now wishing scallops were in season!


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