Sunday, April 20, 2008

What a Crazy Weather!

When people said Colorado has crazy weather, it is! We were enjoying a record high of 80"F the day before and the next day "Boom", we got snow shower! In Sane! Evy wanted to go out and play so I let her and Edda was inside with a sour face looking at her sister playing outside (by the sliding door). Then, she brought me her shoes and of course letting me know that she wanted to go out as well. Her sour face looked so pitiful so suited her up and put her outside with her sister.

I only let them played on the deck so that I could keep an eye on them.

Edda looking at me. I asked her, "Cold or not, want to come inside or not?" Raised her hand and said, "No", at least that's what I think she was saying. LOL!

Evy was happily playing with her snow shover.

Edda pointing at the snow falling and tasting some which fell on her face. She surely enjoyed it, so cold also didn't want to come in until her sister came in then she got no choice but to come inside.

What's the next day looks like! Inches of accumulation and every where was covered with snow. And it's SPRING here!!

Rockie Mountain. Couldn't capture the famous Pike Peak, it was hidden in the cloud behind the mountain.


  1. Wah, you are still having snow is spring. The weather is so crazy isn't it :) I just love the view of the Rockie Mountain. How far are you from the mountain. Wish I can go there :(

  2. OMG!! you still have snow in Spring??Lucky you!!.Both of your gals look so happy.I guess they can't wait for summer to come.I pray for no snow in NY,already pack away my winter clothes.Can't wait for summer but hope not as hot as Msia weather!lol!

  3. We also had crazy weather here too. Snow & hail although not as much snow as yours. Dunno what happen to spring weather!! :(

  4. these pics of ur girls' expressions are really priceless.. ur pic taking is very gd!

  5. Wow, the snow looks truly wonderful and wholesome. Enjoy it coz I can't!!

  6. look at the snow! I can't wait to see real snow myself..and your girls! playful!

  7. look so awesomely white and beautiful!

  8. gosh such a beautiful gets crazy around here day it's hot, and another day it's typhoon signal no 3 with black rain T_T...i am not very light and i was almost blown away holding my top was blown up too...goshhh wat an embarrassing experience, a bunch of people were laughing at me (it happened in a junction while i was trying to cross the road) goshhhhh

  9. Hi Little Corner of Mine, do you ever find it difficult to care for your girls in such weather? The weather changes quite drastically in Auckland too but nothing compared to Colorado. Already Alyssa keeps getting cold sores, heartbreaking it is :( Can't help but feel like i'm not doing a good enough job.

  10. Looks like they love the snow! Really crazy weather...but that's spring...sometimes hot, sometimes rain, sometimes even snow! :O

  11. NO...NO more snow!!! Send you some sunny spring weather vibes! "No" is one of Erin's favarite words! Wow to last picture, you can see mountain from your backyard? What a beautiful view.

  12. Your two girls looks like they are having a great time playing with snow. Wish we have some here to counter the hot weather.

  13. Haha, i thought we were the only ones to get crazy weather in Spring in Utah. Looks like Colorado isn't spared too...Since you're pretty near Pike's Peak, I assume you've been to Santa's Workshop? Do you like it? My girls loved it there....

  14. Oh yes Gert, crazy weather here. I'm not far from the Rockie Mountain. I took the picture from my sliding door.

    Yes beachlover, I can't pack away my winter clothes yet because it's still cold outside. Can only do so in June. Oh man, I'm going to experience the hot weather in M'sia soon, not sure how we would fair.

    Blue Mommy, the sign of Global Warming! :(

    Thanks tweetybird. I did capture Evy's expression well, she was really happy to be out playing in the snow.

    Muminmiri, haha... since I have been here for a long time, I'm not really enjoy snow as much. I was inside the house while my two girls played outside. :P

    Daphne, hope you get to see it soon.

    Yes BBOven, it's beautiful!

  15. Hahaha Rita, that must be such a view! I know, it gets very windy here too. What is black rain? Very heavy rain?

    Angie, thus far my girls hardly gotten sick *knock on wood*. They are not in daycare or school and they only got sick once this winter which was a flu spread from the sick daddy. Cold sores is hard to care for and it's recurrent. Hope the ped. can give you something that can treat the cold sores in 3-5 days instead of letting it run its cause (~2 weeks).

    Yes Tigerfish, they love the snow. Evy always wanted to go out and play with the snow, making snowman, etc.

    Hoon, thanks for the no snow vibes, we need it! Yes, I have a great mountain view from my backyard and each of my windows facing the back has the view. It's really beautiful.

    Yes Ling. They did! Ling, just go to the mountain for the weekend!

    Tatiana, yes we are closed to Pike Peak but we haven't been to Pike Peak nor Santa Workshop yet! Will go to Pike Peak in June since my in-laws are coming. As for Santa Workshop, I want to wait til they are older first so that they can enjoyed the rides. Hmmm...can probably go this year!

  16. It sounds like where I live here in Erie, last year in the middle of April we had snow storm. I am thankful though that this year seems like spring is really here.

  17. wow ! It's so cold there , do they like hot weather ,too ? Scare they 'beh tahan' in Malaysia lah ...

  18. YUKKSS!!!!! So so cold!!!!!!!! But I really like that shot of the table so heavily but evenly covered with snow......if only I could cover my cakes so nicely with whipped cream!!!!! And look at the floor!!!!! I just feel like putting my footprint on it!!!!!

  19. Good for you Dwiana. I just hope we have no more snow day. But finally I see life on some of my trees.

    Janet ah, I'm sure we all will be "beh tahan" one. You will see for yourself soon. LOL! Can't wait to see you after all these years again. :)

    VB, haha... I'm not sure whether it's the foot prints that you will see or a few big holes. The snow will reach half your knee lah. I don't dare to step on it because I don't have a winter boots or my feets will get wet.

  20. wow,...what a beautiful scene of the rocky mountains.....I had never play with real snow....must be very cold out there....but yr girls are enjoying themselves...


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