Monday, April 28, 2008

Short Clip of My Girls Eating

Sharing a clip of them eating at Texas Roadhouse recently. Edda was cleaning the plate of onion blossom (our appertizer) and Evy was enjoying her favorite ceaser salad. Hubby ordered his usual full rack of BBQ ribs and I decided to try something different and ordered the pork chops. The pork chops was a disappointment, hard and dry (overcooked for sure). I made better pork chop than them and I would never order it again.

This embeded version is not as clear. Not the camcorder fault.


  1. Both your girls are so cute!! They really enjoying their food :) You know I will never order a pork chop dish at a restaurant because most of the time I will be dissapointed as they always turn out dry.

  2. too bad about the pork chop. the girls are so adorable. very photogenic.

  3. wow! your gals are quite good,eating by themselve!!.You should write them a comment in their suggestion box.If my hubby get your pork chop,I'm sure he is going to send it back to them!!lol!!.But we asian just eat it anyway!

  4. Little ones are cute aren't they? I have a 12 mth old boy and he is the love of my life :-)

    One question but a bit out of topic. How do I bake a butter or a pound cake without the centre being a bit higher and also avoid cracks? Just want to cut them into nice square equal sized portions for serving. Thanks.

  5. They eat also can be so cute! :D
    What did she say ? Couldn't make out what she was saying...

  6. I wonder what your daughter was refering to?

  7. both of them so adorable.

    the little one is so busy with her food.

    ya, don't know why pork chop is always overcooked at restaurant.

  8. Gert, I have learned my lesson. I was looking forward to moist and juicy pork chops but got a big surprise when I saw what was being served. :(

    Thanks Daphne. :)

    Haha Beachlover. Actually I don't dare to send the food back, I was afraid that if I do, they will add their split into the pork chop and bring it out to me. :P The videos I saw for what the cook did with the food got sent back, gave me the phobia. I didn't eat the pork chops, but boxed it back, sliced them and stir-fried in oil (gave moisture back to the otherwise dry meat) and made a wontan noodle out of it. :)

    Hi Joanna,
    Yes, little ones are cute! I love to squeeze their fat rolls. :P for the other question, I really don't know. You better go ask aunty Yochana or aunty Lily.

    She said, "turn it over"。

    She wanted the daddy to turn the video screen over so that she could look at herself too.

    Thanks Peony. LOL, the little one is always busy eating in a restaurant. Her little hand will even come to my plate to grab my food. LOL!

  9. They are so adorable! Was she saying 'zuan guo lai'? That was what i think i figured...


  10. Thanks Tatiana and YES, that was what she was saying. :)

  11. Hi, can i know if your daughters are bilingual? I heard that it is normal for bilingual child to start talking later. We want to raise our daughter as bilingual, as my hubby speak English and i speak Chinese to her but at the same time i will also teach her to read in English but not sure if that will confuse her, mind sharing your experience?

  12. Hi Cocoa,
    Yes my daughters are bilingual. We spoke to them since birth in Mandarin. At 1, I had them watched the English educational cartoons, that's the beginning of their English lesson (from listening, watching and digestion). So, their first language is Mandarin and second language is English. When they started to respond to English and speak in English, I will speak about 20% of English with them. So that it's not only a digestion for them, I also teaching them how to use it. Right now my elder girl speak to us in Mandarin and to others in English (or people she knows who can't speak Mandarin). It's automatic, it won't confuse them. And don't ever think that if both parents speak to them in Mandarin, their English will be bad, to the contrary, my Evy is very smart, she knows how to read English book as early as 4 years old and now she can read really well. I can tell you it's way better than most of the ang moh kids. We had her tested for her English ability and the tester couldn't stop praising Evy on how a delight she was, how brilliant she was and how well she could read. She told us other kids at this age couldn't read at all.

    Of course I also read to them in English and then translate it to Mandarin, so they will get the benefit of both languages. Start them young and early so that to them, they are born into these two languages world.

    Are you in the U.S.? If yes, and you really want her to speak Mandarin and your husband only know English, then you will have to work on your kid in Mandarin more because once she goes to school and with her daddy speaking English to her, English would be her first language. So, not only you have to read Mandarin story book to her, but also go buy the Mandarin speaking Dora cartoon dvds (if yours is a girl) and let her watch it often. Buy the Chinese songs and cartoons and feed it to her. Let her digest as much Mandarin as possible at this early age and of course you speaking to her in Mandarin, this is to build her Mandarin foundation. So that down the road when she goes to school and decided to speak English, the foundation is there, and when she grows up and decided to pick up the language, it will be easier for her.

    Of course, sent her to a school that offers Mandarin class from K-G5 and so on, so that she will keep learning this language and least likely to abandon it. Parents role is very important in this young age. How much time and effort you spend with you kid, you will see in result.

    Good Luck!

    P/S: You can e-mail me if you have more questions. My e-mail is at the bottom of my page.

  13. Hi, thanks for your sharing. My husband is caucasian and his mother tounge is Spanish so i was undecisive wether to start our daughter with English & Spanish or English and Chinese. We think it may be easier for her to pick up Spanish when she is older because we are living in Switzerland because she can learn Italian in school. I was just worry that if i speak Chinese to her and read the story books in English for her, she might get confused, but what what you describe it seems that it shouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, getting Chinese books or children material here is almost impossible, i should have bought some during our last trip back to Malaysia....
    Anyway, thanks for your blog, i have been following it for a while.. like the simplicity of your recipe. I only started learning how to cook Chinese and Malaysian food after we moved here.

  14. Coco,
    We always head to book store when we go back to Malaysia to buy Chinese material for our kids. Or ask the grandparents to buy it when they come to visit. You can even buy it online easily if you want it now. We just bought a set of Dora dvds in Mandarin online from China, not cheap, more than $120, but it's for the kids. Anyway, good luck!

    Glad you like my simple recipes too. Whipping out a delicious meal doesn't have to be difficult. ;)

  15. Thanks again for your reply, do you mind telling me what is the website?


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