Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pork Chop Dinner

I made some pork chops because I was too lazy to pre-slice the pork for stir-fry. So, I decided to make a western pork chops dinner with the asparagus that I had in the fridge. This was such an easy dinner to prepare because all I did is to marinate the pork chops overnight with my special sauce. The next day I just seared the pork chops in some olive oil on both side and then let it finished cooking in the oven. Sprinkled a little olive oil, some salt and peppers on my asparagus and in the preheated 450'F oven for 15 minutes. I also opened a can of Pillsbury garlic crescent rolls (not in picture) and baked it for 10 minutes and I had myself a complete dinner.

At the end of the dinner, hubby complained not full!! LOL! Actually when he first saw this, he asked, "Where is the rice?" I said, " What rice? No rice, got crescent rolls already, this is a western meal." :P

What surprised me is Evy actually loves pork chop. She asked me yesterday, can you cook this bread that eat with meat and veggie one? I was like what the heck was she talking about? At first I thought she meant roti canai with Jap. curry but she knows the words roti canai and curry so it must be other thing and then I remembered this. True enough, she said she wants to eat pork chop.


  1. aaahhh!!..Pork chop..easy and simpy to cook ,rite?..Hmmmm..I also bought a family pack pork chop,still in fridge,maybe I should cook as you do,western meal!!

  2. i like the look of that! They look so moist too. Good for kids to eat meat ya..more iron.

  3. Hi love your blog to bits! Gives me great inspiration in creating simple and good food like you.

  4. Hahaha, mummy is a great cook that's why. ;) Hehe, my cousin-in-law also typical Chinaman must eat rice. It completes the meal for them.

  5. lovely pork chops....but hubby wants rice....just like my old man too....could not live a day without rice.....

  6. walio, gonna chop a pig now! lol!

  7. Not full? Sounds like my hb. LOL!
    I think guys need their rice, don't they?

  8. what ur hubby (and ur reply) and Evy said make me laugh.. thx for the laughter ^^

  9. Just to let you know you've got a tag from drop by to claim it...thanks.

  10. Yes beachlover. In fact pork chop is on sales again this week, only $1/pound. Will buy some since Evy likes it. :)

    Thanks daphne. Yeah more iron than chicken breasts. Since I don't buy beef, need to buy lean pork from time to time.

    Oh thank you Angie! :D Come over everyday to chat k.

    Hahaha...D, my hubby is a typical Chinaman, Chinese restaurant is always his top choice. :D

    Thanks sweet jasmine. He is not used to eat bread to substitute for rice. Ha!

    LOL BBOven, you know how meh? :P

    LOL Tigerfish. Your hubby also like that ah?

    Glad to make you laugh tweetybird. :)

    Thanks sweet jasmine, will head over to claim it! *praying not a difficult one*

  11. I don't mind having pork chop once a while by my husband don't eat pork so I never buy any :( Look like you hubby is the typical Chinese. Need their dose of rice everyday :) :)

  12. hohoho i justtttt made pork chops too! wat a coincidence...but of cos...eaten with rice kikikiki :)

  13. Yes Gert, my hubs is a typical China man. :P

    Rita, believe it or not, I made pork chop again yesterday. This time with rice but my daughter didn't touch the rice but asked me where's the bread and veggie!!

  14. Hi,
    Looks so juicy and yummy....
    Can share your special sauce recipe ?


  15. Hi Ling,
    Don't really remember in detail but I know I definitely used Worcestershire's sauce in all my pork chop marinade. Roughly you can try,
    Worcestershire's sauce, black pepper, garlic powder and salt.


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