Thursday, March 06, 2008

Malaysian Should Watch This!

Watch this video and this video before you go in to vote! Or go to YouTube and watch video clips from dapkl.

"Go VOTE!"

I can't vote but you can, so do your part and vote for a better Malaysia and equality to all Malaysian.


  1. I wanna to vote but too late,I didn't register!!..I hope we have better,fair and clean leader in Msia.

  2. Awww...Thts sweet n thoughtful :)

  3. Hi Ching,
    Thanks for putting up the links. It was not playing when I clicked both, just stagnant. Could it be my internet connection or the vidoes have been stopped for viewing or something? I won't be able to vote this year as my station is in Sabah, too far to go back furthermore I am working tomorrow :(. Will be going back to hubby's hometown for him to vote though....

  4. Thanks for sharing...I'm a Chinese Malaysian. I really feel pity for us the minority in Malaysia. We should exercise our rights wisely tomorrow.

    I feel betrayed by the government for not using the indelible ink. All this are really their propaganda and 'sandiwara'! They should get an Oscar for their best performance year in year out!

  5. Hi,
    thanks for showing these videos. It is time to shake up chinese malaysian!!!!!!!! It is time for a new renovation!!!!!!!!

  6. Yes, it's time for a change, it's time to wake up and vote for your next generation well-being. Equal opportunity and treatment to all Malaysian! And a govornment that cares and thinks and acts on behalf of its' citizen.

  7. Thank you for this link.


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