Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sweet Red Beans + Tang Yuen Soup

Time flies, it's already the end of CNY. Today is the last day of CNY where we called it "Chap Goh Mei", the 15th day. Usually people will have a feast on this day and eating tang yuens to signified "tuan tuan yuen yuen", or togetherness, unity in the new Lunar year.

Since I wanted something different from my usual brown sugar ginger syrup, I made red bean soup to go with it. Added some mini tapioca pearls, dried orange peels and glutinous rice as well.

Also reserved some to eat with my favorite peanut + sugar coating. Evy really loved it, she "sapu" (finished) all below, asked for more and later ate her daddy share!! I think I managed to eat three balls only! Later I served her the red bean soup with tang yuens and she finished all the tang yuens in the bowl and asked for more but left the red bean soup basically untouched.

I am glad that I got to meet all my girlfriends this CNY. :) Extra big hug to V for purposely drove all the way down to "pie nian" with me, I am really touched and it showed what a great girlfriend she is. Wait for me to make the "kuih kapit" okay? :D


  1. Love your tang yuen combo done 2 ways! And how can let CNY go by without seeing you and your lovely family? Will definitely wait till you come and do kuih kapit! ;)

  2. I can't wait to see your kuih kapit!!.Talking about kuih kapit ,i better buy some mold while I'm here.

  3. How time flies, it's already the last day of CNY! If u hadn't mention it, I didn't even realise! Did u manage to catch the lunar eclipse last night? I sneaked out of class a bit to watch it, it was so rusty red, man that was the first time I saw an eclipse..hehe

  4. happy chap goh mei! Your tong yuan looks really delicious! We don't eat it over here as hubs doesn't like the texture. :(

  5. This is new to me - tang yuen with sweet red bean soup. What a good colour contrast. I usually have it with soy milk.

  6. oooo.. home made tang yuen! lovely and sweet. the weather has turned cold here suddenly and that sweet soup will hit a good spot.

  7. Oohh Tang Yuen. I make this during Toong Cheet Festival. Also use the peanuts to dip it and my little girl was helping me to make into round balls. I did blog about this in my blog.

  8. kids also the the tang yuan and left the red bean soup untouch.


  9. This is like the Taiwan style dessert called Fen Yuan....
    No tang yuan or anything "yuan" for me on the 15th of the Lunar :O

  10. Hi Ching,
    Have been admiring all your yummy goodies lately but was too lazy to drop a line. Sure Evy liked the tang yuan. They are lovely. Thumbs up for you the super mommy!

  11. Love your Blog a lot, I wish I could make all those delicious dishes. I am a working mum who only cook 1 month per year (when my in-laws on vacation). Ha-ha.

    May I ask, are you Malaysian (Penag,Kedah, Perak?)? I am from Penang.
    Thanks a lot for sharing........Tan

  12. Thanks V. Yes! Yes! Can't wait, I love kuih kapit! ;)

    Beachlover, remember to go to the bakery shops I mentioned in Taman Megah ya, very important you do visit there. :)

    No lah Lin. I didn't know about the Lunar Eclipse, furthermore here is very cold.

    Thanks Mandy. Can't you even tempt him with the one coated with ground peanuts and sugar? Hardly anyone can turn down this. :P

    See Ling, having it with soy milk is new to me. Hehe...

    Thanks Daphne. It sure a nice touch in cold weather. Surprisingly, my hubby loved this and had a total of 2 bowls last night.

    Yeah Sue, I think I must have Tang Yuen on these two days, other days I might be too lazy to make. LOL!

    Hi Jennifer, must be the kids thing then. LOL!

    Why? Why? Tigerfish? You should ask your hubby to "ta pao" it back for you mah!

    Thanks Jo! No lah, you are the super mommy, have to tackle work and home.

    Thanks Tan. Yes, I'm a Malaysian living all over. Born in Seremban, spent primary school days in J.B. and then secondary and college days in P.J. before moving to U.S. til now. My parents are from Kedah though thus the influence. :)

  13. Wow, the mua chee one looks nice.

  14. Feel warm to see such homemade food and friends to taste them. When i made food stuff for friends, they all run away..they're food prefectionist :P

  15. Thanks D. :)

    Thanks for stopping by ak. Your friends really don't give face hor? :P

  16. Hi Ching,
    Your tang yuan with peanuts and sugar looks so GOOD!! I did tang yuan alot of times but it always have that flour-y taste!! Could you please advise why and is it ok to share the tang yuan recipe please?? Thanks!

  17. Hi Jessica,
    Flour-y taste huh? Did you cook until it float to the top? When it's fully cooked, it shouldn't have flour-y taste at all. Sorry, I don't have an exact tang yuan recipe because normally just scoop about 1 cup of glutinous rice flour and just add water and start mixing until a non-sticky dough is formed. Never really measure.


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