Thursday, February 28, 2008

House Brand: Chinese Mabo Tofu Sauce

I decided to product testing this House brand of Mabo Tofu sauce. I actually got to sample this at H-Mart last year and thought it tasted pretty good. I didn't buy it then but two weeks ago while I was grabbing some Jap. curry, I decided to grab two of this to try.

Verdict: Not as good as I remember. It's only so-so and not hot at all. My little Edda finished everything I put on her plate, she ate it just like that with a little rice. Good thing is my girls can eat this kind of mabo tofu. If you asked me to cook my own, it will sure be too spicy for them.

Shhh...P, if you are reading this, it's better to buy the LKK hot bean sauce instead of this, cheaper that way.

*Verdict is by my own opinion*


  1. Hi Little C,
    I guess this is a kid-friendly mapo tofu sauce. My kids also like mapo tofu and they will clean up their plates if I serve this. Your dish presentation looks perfect, better than the picture on the package! =P

  2. can make the MaBo TauFu like that also not bad man! Cut down lot of work hor? I think it should b more yummy if add in some of the Cut Dry Chillies!!! Spicy ~ yummy ~

  3. I was just thinking of cooking Mapo Taufoo for dinner today :) :) Like you I prefer the LKK hot bean sauce :)

  4. this is the third post about mabo tofu i've seen in the last week! i'm going to have to try this stuff.

  5. I cook Ma Po Tofu before, with more spicy and thickening sauce. Not bad, I like it.

  6. Hahha...I was just about to suggest LKK chili dou ban jiang for mapo tofu! DA Best, lah!

  7. in japan they have similar dish but i dont remember the name :-) this look delicious!! over hot rice its definitely perfect!!

  8. Not hot at all? Maybe I'll try this for the kids next time. hehe!

  9. Thanks Louisa. Yay, mapo tofu lovers here. :)

    Bigfish, I think it's the same amount of work because instead of this sauce, can just use the LKK sauce. Hehe...

    Hi Gert, LKK does have a lot of good products. Sometimes I just look at the bottles of sauce/paste selling on the shell to see what I can buy to create new dishes for my family. :)

    Hi Michelle, yes go try it!

    Hi Celine,
    I like my mapo tofu spicy too but now have to think of the kids, can't be too spicy liao.

    *High Five* Tigerfish!

    Oh yes Dhanggit, the sauce goes very well with white rice. :)

    V ah....hmmmm...not hot for my kids but might be a little hot for your kids lor. Skip the sauce for them and prepare a sippy cup fulled of water before you ask them to eat. Hehe! ;)

  10. hehe. Thanks for that tip! I saw the House brand in oriental stores here too but never tried it before.

  11. MaPoToFu is one of the dishes that I don't have to use packet to achieve the taste that I like. Yes, the hot bean sauce is the key ingredient. I also add green onion, ginger, garlic and szechuan pepper. I support your verdict. :)

  12. I love mapo tofu, but have never made it for my girl, and beside, it's been years since I've had it, when my grandma was still around. Maybe should make it one day. It did cross my mind before. Just never got round to it.

  13. Hi Little Corner

    Like your mapo doufu, looks good! With this ready made paste, makes cooking easier. Previously, I prepared my own paste, so lots of work involved.

    BTW, I like your blog and have tagged you. OK? ^_^


  14. You're welcome daphne. This brand is not bad, but cheaper with LKK hot bean sauce.

    LOL! Thanks Lee Ping! :)

    Hi D, you should make it, very easy and delicious. With packet sauce or your own sauce. :)

    Thanks Esther. Will hop over and take a look. :)

  15. I have to look for this if I go to the asian market. Love tofu!

  16. Must be good rite! hmmmm so nice!

  17. Yes Dwiana, go look for it, it's quite nice actually. :)

    Yes BBOven! Love tofu here!

  18. I work at H-Mart & I have to promote this item, but the manager will test me, asking me for 3 key reasons why customers should buy it. I don't know what to say!
    Btw, your picture looks VERY convincing. Will buy after I sell !


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