Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Early Reunion Dinner ~ Steamboat

My brother is in Denver for three weeks. He is here for training. And since he is here, we had an early reunion dinner with him. I prepared Tom Yam steamboat as this was very easy and satisfying. :o)

Vermicelli, napa cabbage, shrimps, fish fillets, marinated chicken breast slices, cutterfish, straw mushrooms, babycorns.

Chai Hsin, romaine lettuce, tofu, DoDo fish balls, fish cake, assorted fish cakes, tofu pok.

Tom Yam soup for steamboat.

I prepared too much again. Left with quite a lot of soup and ingredients. Guess would make Tom Yam Udon noodle with the leftover.


  1. that's a lovely feast.

    we decided to have steamboat on CNY eve too, instead of eating out as planned.

    Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous Lunar New Year.

    Good health and good fortune coming your way too.

  2. I love the containers for the food. I'm looking but haven't seen anything nice like that. Wow, tom yum. What about the girls? What did they eat?

    Gong Xi Fa Cai, C, Xin Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Ru Yi.

  3. wow. That's a lovely feast you laid out for the family. Steamboat is one of my favorite things. You all must have enjoyed it greatly especially in that cold Colorado weather. Stay warm.

  4. Yummy...! Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family! Do the girls excited about CNY? Tyler keep repeating the CNY song when our family members skype us... very funny... :-)

  5. What a yummy reunion dinner! I love tom yum steamboat also, it's actually my latest crave :) u should really try enoki mushrooms with the tom yum soup, awesome!

  6. wow! looks like you've been busy eh?

    Happy New Year!

  7. Ching,
    Gong Xi Fa Cai
    Happy New Year

  8. Wah..you have been busy.

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy and Prosperous year of the Rat. Kong Hei Fatt Choy !

  9. Ching... happy CNY! wish Evy and Edda "kuai gao zhang da"!

  10. This year I did not have steamboat! That's an appetizing steamboat to have when it's snowing your side :)

    Gong xi fa cai!

  11. So fresh!. I like tom yam with seafood and tofu. Happy Chinese New Year for you and family.

  12. Thank you Peony. My mom used to prepare steamboat on every CNY eve and we really looking forward to it.

    Thanks D. My girls ate the same thing! None of them complaint it's spicy at all. LOL! Furthermore, Evy kept saying it's delicious! LOL! Then again I didn't add extra chili in it. Yeah, I bought this container last year and really liked it.

    Thanks Louisa. Yes, so suitable for the cold day! We only eat steamboat in winter, keep us warm. :)

    Thanks Hoon. My girls don't seem to be as excited as your kiddos. LOL! But they like it a lot when I put the Chinese costume on them, make it so festive!

    Thanks Lin. I would love some enoki mushrooms or fresh mushroom in my Tom Yam too. But that day I didn't go grocery shopping and this were all last minutes, just grabbed what I have in my refrigerator.

    Thanks tt! Happy CNY to you too! Oh yeah...busy baking!

    Thanks Florence, wishing you the same too!

    Thanks Sinner. Will visit your blog to wish you back, if I haven't done that already.

    Thank you Baking Fiend! :*

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too Tigerfish. :)

    Thanks Retno. Happy CNY to you too!

  13. Looks like a great meal! By the way - you definitely are the cookie queen!

  14. oh i love this...is this also called shabu-shabu? or that's different.. :-)

  15. Thanks BBOven.

    That's not it yet, I have more cookies coming out! LOL!

    Hi Dhanggit,
    Yes, it's like Japanese shabu-shabu. :)


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