Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Vermont Curry (House's Curry Sauce Mix)

The other day I asked my hubby to buy me 2 boxes of Korean instant noodle bowls (12 bowls per box), one shrimp flavor and one Kimchi flavor and you know what he came home with? He came home with 2 boxes of shrimp flavor and 3 boxes of Kimchi flavor and two packets of House sauce mix. That's a lot of noodle bowls I tell you! As for the curry mix, I think he couldn't resist the pretty girl that gave him the sample of the curry and thus bought the sauce mix. He said it's really good so he buy (but who knows! LOL!). He paid $2 each and it's on promotion I think.

This Vermont Curry (it's Japanese curry basically) tasted pretty good and healthier because no coconut milk needed and everything cooked in 30 minutes. For $2 it's actually pretty cheap considering it has two packets inside and one packet alone can serve a big pot of curry.

My lunch today.

Closer look of the curry.

I added mixed vegetable instead of potatoes since we are not really a fan of potato. I really like this House brand and next time would probably seek out other flavor curry to try. Cheap, healthy and so convenient, that's my way of cooking.


  1. For me, I usually buy the Japanese brand S & B Golden Curry Sauce, it's also very delicious. I haven't seen this Vermont brand over here yet.

  2. haa.. this is interesting. I don't think my husband will get more stuff that I order for.

  3. Just wanted to say I love your blog! The food just looks so fantastic! I've added you to my blog favorites.

    I'm from Colorado too, but live in New Zealand.

    Keep cooking those lovely dishes!


  4. ME TOO!! that's my kind of meal. they don't carry the house brand here though.

    and man, that's alot of instant noodles LOL. that's ok though, at least they can keep like almost forever. =) and u know u will never run out.

  5. Hahahaha, men! I use vermont too. It's not bad.

  6. oh!! you like Japanese curry?.hmmm..I find it's sweet and taste like stew gravy.I remember I eat with with Udon like "kwan loh Mein" not bad..

  7. wow, feel hungry when visit ur blog.

  8. oh, i love jap curry too! and the kids also love it as it's not spicy. yours looks so good that i'm feeling hungry now. LOL

    and yes, at $2, it is such a good buy!

  9. hi~
    I thought I'm the one with EVY spelling hahaha... Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  10. When i used to live in Japan it was hard for me to imagine curry without coconut milk..but one time i tasted it (same stuff you had in ready to use boxes) i was awed on how simple it was to prepare them and the taste was perfect with rice too!! i miss this type of curry too :-)

    i should probably ask my japanese friend to send me some here..hehehe

  11. woah! looks healthy and yummy too:)

  12. I have seen this brand in shops but never tried it. Japanese curry is rather sweet, isn't it? Glad to know that you liked it. Maybe I will buy some and try for myself.

  13. Hi Lin,
    This House brand is also made in Japan, it's a Japanese brand too. :)

    My husband will often surprise with more stuff than I asked for. LOL!

    Hi Michelle,
    Thanks for your encouraging words, I will try my best! :)

    Hi Daphne,
    Yup, at least I'm well stock with instant bowl noodles now. Other brand of Japanese curry is fine to try too, should be similar in taste.

    Hi D,
    Not bad hor, the curry gravy goes well with rice.

    Hi beachlover,
    Yeah, it's actually not bad, I find the curry gravy goes very well with rice, slurp!

    Hi Hazel,
    Hehehe...that's the point right? Welcome and thanks for dropping me a note. :)

    Hi Baking Fiend,
    Yes, I also like it that it's not spicy so that both my girls can enjoy it too. I also don't have to cook an extra non-spicy dish for them.

    Hi Let's bake together,
    Well now we have two EVY. :)

    Hi Dhanggit,
    Exactly! It's different but yet tasted surprising good and great with rice. And I don't have to open a can of coconut milk.

    Thanks Ting! :)

    Hi Nilmandra,
    Compared to M'sian curry, it's on the sweet side but surprisingly good though. Buy one and try for yourself. ;)

  14. Oh Gooosssh... is mid night here now and your LUNCH make me feel so hungry here! Never try this Japanese Curry before. Sounds lovely cos without the coconut milk... :)

  15. I like Vermont too. Usually I buy the Med. Hot version cos my girls prefer this. Is the Hot version spicy at all? I agree -- it's easy, tasty and fast. Normally I use boneless chicken thighs. What do you use?

  16. I like to cook fast meal too nowadays. Time is so precious with a 2.5 year old and a full time job to juggle. And plus blogging now. Salute all multitaskers out there.

  17. Thanks bigfish! Japanese curry is worth a try.

    Hi Tatiana,
    If you didn't mention it, I didn't even know my Vermont curry is rated HOT. It's not spicy at all, my little Edda ate her rice with the curry gravy all over and didn't complaint a bit. I used skinless and boneless chicken breasts.

    Hi Jo,
    Anything to keep us sane so that we can care for our kids better, right? But you sure has a lot in your hands now, luckily food is easily available for tar pao too.

  18. hahhaha...

    I usually use S&B Golden Curry. They are all Japanese style curry right? Sweeter versions compared to Malaysian/S'pore curries :P

  19. Absolutely love the Vermont curry, my wife introduced me to it, and none of the others seem to quite match up. So if it's not a secret where can I land it for $2 a box? I have to drive 2 hours and pay almost twice that.

  20. Hi NoJack,

    Not sure whether you have H-Mart (Korean operated chain supermart) at your area? I bought mine at H-Mart for $2 each. I know, other Asian stores here sell it for $3.69-$3.99 each.


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