Friday, November 23, 2007

Vanilla Cupcakes

I have been eyeing this recipe for a while. It has been popping up at a few food blogs I frequent and I have been wanting to try it. Finally did it today using the recipe posted by Hugbear here. I followed her recipe by using the brown sugar and white sugar and the exact reduced amount. It turned out just sweet enough for me. Thanks LeeLee for sharing. :)
Note: For those who had tried the original recipe all stated it was too sweet.

This cupcake is really a winner because it is so soft and fluffy! Even days later, it is still soft. This modified version of Hugbear's cupcakes are infused with the fragrant of brown sugar. Next time just remember to cut the recipe into half because the original recipe yields 24 cupcakes!! I forgot to cut the recipe into half (she didn't say how much this recipe yields) and kept looking for baking pans to fill the batter. Thus, the 6 cupcakes pan and mini bundt pan were used. Have to ask my hubby to bring some to work because I don't want to eat sooooo many cupcakes!

Copied and Pasted from LeeLee's blog.

195 gm cake flour
140 gm plain flour
150 castor sugar *
100 light brown sugar *
1 tbsp baking powder
225 gm salted butter, cut into 1-inch cubes *
4 large eggs
1 cup whole milk (I used normal fresh milk)
1 tbsp vanilla extract *

* changes that I have made from the original recipe

1. Preheat oven to 165C. Line cupcake pan with paper cups. In a bowl, combine flour, sugars, baking powder on low speed until well mix with the k-beater. Add cold butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

2. In another bowl, combine eggs, milk and vanilla essence. Light whisk to mix well. With mixer on medium speed, add wet ingredients into the flour mixture in 3 parts, scraping down the sides of the bowl before each addition. Beat until ingredients are incorporated but do not overbeat.

3. Fill papercups with batter to two-third full (for me I filled it up slightly more than 2/3 for a rounder cupcake). Bake it for at least 20 to 25 mins depending on how brown you want you cupcakes to be. Test cake with cake tester and when it comes out clean, it is ready. Transfer to cooling rack to cool down completely.


  1. Hurray, you finally did it! No regrets right? It's great recipe. Can't go wrong with it. And very addictive too. ;)

  2. oh ain't they look gorgouly delicious.... must try the recipe! so yummy!

  3. Mmmm! So soft and fluff vanilla cupcakes!

  4. wah...look so soft and moisture!!..You love to bake I see..I like the small bundt size cake.hmmmm now you make me wondering to look for this pan..hahaha!!

  5. Yes singairishgirl, finally did it! Hehe...definitely no regret, it's a keeper! Will play with this recipe next time. :)

    Thanks SteamyKitchen!

    Hi BBOven,
    Yes, it worth a try!

    Thanks V!

    Hi beachlover,
    I got this mini bundt size pan on clearance in WalMart for $3 only! It is after Christmas sales when they want to clear off all the baking pans they special order for baking season in Dec. Good deal right? ;)

  6. ya, I tried the original version b4 & it was too sweet esp since I wanted to put buttercream on it. Will have to try your version.

  7. ur hubby's colleagues must have been really pleased!!! ;)

  8. wah... cupcakes! I like! why din you frost it? it'll look even greater. :)

  9. BlurMommy,
    Yeah, try the reduced amount suggested by LeeLee, it is perfect.

    Hahahaha...I hope so! I gave them the ones with buttercream, more their style. Hubby said cupcakes with frosting, sure finish one. :)

    Baking Fiend,
    I did frost some of it, coming up next. But that also means added fat and calories! 0.0

  10. hi

    i have a question. ur method no.1 asked us to mix dry ingredients with the cold butter with a K beater until coarse. what if i don't own a good brand beater, mine is only a small and ordinary beater. any advise??

  11. Thanks Dwiana, because it is! ;)

    Hi Bae,
    Yes, you don't need a K-beater to achieve coarse crumbs, you can use your hands to break out the butter and mix in with the flour mixture to achieve coarse crumbs too. I don't own a k-beater because I prefer the hand-held ordinary beater to do the job. Trust me, I used to own a $7 beater until it broke on me and now I just upgraded it a little bit and use a ordinary $20 beater. To me, they works just the same. The difference is you don't need to hold it, the machine will do that for you so that you can do other things while the machine beat it for you. My advise is you don't need a brand name beater to do the job! :) Even the my old cheap $7 beater can beat egg white to stiff peak as well as whipped cream. Ok? :)

  12. hi,

    thanks for the advise, will try to make this lovely cupcakes as soon as possible.hehehe


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