Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Look Who's Walking!

My little girl is finally walking at 12.5 months. She started taking steps at 10 months or so. Evy only started walking at 14.5 months so she is considering fast compared to her sister. I also think that the second child tends to develop faster, not sure whether to keep up with her sibling or what? The development from taking steps to walking is sort of intriguing. When she started to take steps, she would prefer crawling, for example, I put her in a standing position and asked her to walk to me, and she would just sat herself down and crawled to me instead. But as the time went by, some how in her mind it must registered to her that she can walk. As now, she would prefer walking than crawling. She would stand herself up and walk every times she fell down. It is really cute to see little toddlers walk, as they walk like a duck, waddle around the house in their little height. Hahaha... Try playing hide and seek with them waddle behind...hahaha....


  1. mommy is so naughty! But Edda is sooo cute. I like to see toddlers walk too. Sometime they fall on their tiny bums but stand up right away like nothing has happened!

  2. Ooh, she is adorable. Ching, congratulations on having two beautiful, healthy and happy daughters. BTW, I like her spider hairband. Where did you get it? My three year old will love it.

  3. Hahaha....she's so cute!!!!

  4. what a sweetie! soon, u will have to run after her.. lol.

  5. wow time flies. Now you are going to lose some calories chasing after her.

    BTW, is she giving dear mommy a food massage?

  6. Congratulations, mummy. I love the spiders on her head.

  7. what a sweetie! in time, you will have to chase after her... hehe.

  8. Ooooo..she's so CUTE!!!
    You must be so proud!!:D

  9. your little girl is very pretty and cute. very adorable.

  10. Yeah! Edda, you go girl! I actually read an article today that says it's not a good thing for babies to walk too soon (before 11 months old). If you are interested, here's the link:


    I do agree that second baby achieve milestones faster than the first born. Erin is the same.

  11. Oh so cute, she can call us "god dad"! lol!

  12. Hahaha.. Mandy, that's so right, just so cute to watch them now.

    Thanks ilovepearly & tigerfish.

    Thanks Tatiana. I got the spider hairband at Dollar Tree for $1 only! There are other patterns too, but that was before Halloween, not sure whether they still have it now, might have to wait til next year. ;)

    Daphne, I have to do that now because this little one loves to run and play, I keep telling her, you can't even walk probably and you want to run already? LOL!

    Thanks Christy and yes I am. :)

    Thanks Yan. :)

    Hi aiknhoon,
    Yeah, my hubby kept telling me that too, like don't rush her to walk, it's not good. I will have to go read that article you shared.

    Hahaha...great! Now she has a few god dads...lol!

  13. oh!!.she is cutie especially black jet hairs!!.I dunno why some baby can walk at early age.Mine start at 10 month old holding wall ,table and stairs.But she didn't start potty training at 2 1/2 year old.That too late accordingly to my mom.

  14. i miss the growing stage of my boy u r very lucky to be a stay home mum - keep it up !

  15. Thanks Retno. :)

    Hi beachlover,
    Yeah, her hair is jet black while her sister hair is slightly brownish. My hubby said it's because not enough nutrition for the elder sister. I didn't start potty training on Evy until she turned 3, reason being this mommy lazy lah. :P I don't care much about what others said.

    Ow thanks Ning's Mummy! :)

    Thanks Jessie, I love being a stay at home mom. :)

  16. She is so cute, and has grown up so quickly! **HUGS!**

  17. OH, what a darling lil girl you have. She is so cute! I bet she is very busy body right now:)

  18. Oops Edith, just realized I missed your post. Haha...hopefully I will lose some calories chasing after her. That would be good if she is giving me a foot massage, LOL! I think she used my foot to help her stand up. :)

    Hey V,
    Thanks! So fast hor?

    Thanks Dwiana. Hmmm...not a busy body yet but she sures know how to cry for attention/the thing she wants!

  19. she's such a cutie....i remembered seeing her bb photos not so long ago and now she's walking! oh my... how time flies! i guess gals are faster reaching their developement milestones. my dd also started walking once she turned 1 while ds only walked when he was 18 mths old....

  20. Oh gosh Ching,

    How time flies....your little girl can walk already. Congrats and she's so cute and lovable.


  21. Thanks baking fiend and yochana, yes time really flies!

  22. WTG Edda! She is too cute. :)

    My little Victoire only started working right after her birthday too. She has been taking one or two steps for months, then suddenly right after her birthday she took 5 steps on her own at the play ground sandbox. After that, there's no way stopping her. :)


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