Monday, November 26, 2007

Birthday Cupcakes

Made some cupcakes for hubby's birthday. Since using cupcakes as a birthday cake is so trendy these days, so why not right? It's pretty fun to make since I didn't make it too difficult. I used the vanilla cupcakes as the base and the butter cream frosting to frost the cupcakes. Oh man, it was really hard to do a good job with a little one crying and the other one kept asking for this and that! What a day!

I was really stingy with my butter cream as in I only spread a thin layer of cream on top because thinking it will all go into our body, so the less the better. Thus, left with lots of butter cream, next time will half the recipe, don't want to be wasteful. But if it's for a party of course the more the merrier as I know people do love to eat frosting. It also make a prettier presentation too.

Close up of my heart cupcake, signified the love we have for him. Not very good at piping so just "chin chai chin chai kao dim". Evy made him a birthday card, sang birthday song and even helped him to blow the candles. Oh, Evy helped in making the cupcakes too (mixing and stirring, her favorite part!).


  1. You hubby must be so proud of you as he gets fantastic birthday cupcake homemade by beloved wife:) Happy Birthday for him!

  2. How lovely. I'm sure your hubby felt the sweetness in his heart too (tian zai xing li) :)

  3. an attempt that executed so well. Lovely. He must be very very happy!

  4. So pretty leh!
    Happy Birthday to your hubby!
    Love your cupcakes colors and deco!

  5. Sounds like a heart-warming birthday!
    So which letter did he eat? :P

  6. Wow, wow, wow, I love the cuppies, especially the heart shape, made with love. :) Love the blue curls around it too. Awww... how lovely Evy is. Bet hubby loved his celebration.

  7. Hi,

    I have been reading your blog. Your lovely food and two wonderful gals are amazing. Can I ask you a question regarding your vanilla cupcakes? Is it necessary that we have to use a K beater? I do not have that at home.

    best wishes,

  8. Happy Belated Bdae greetings to your hubby !!
    at least u are making the 1st step to try to pipe the patternz. good effort!
    i've bought the basic tips n the piping bag, but not got myself to even trying it out yet. =p

  9. cute! I would love to come over :)

  10. Your icing is not too bad. I was worst when I first started......

  11. Very creative! Tyler loves to help when we are baking too. His favorite part is cracking the eggs! and he's very proud of it..haha...silly kid :-)

  12. wow..your lovely so colourful..and..nice..!

  13. Dwiana,
    Thanks and I hope so!

    I'm hoping he is "tian zai xing li" also because his mouth didn't say anything.

    Thanks! I hope he is happy! :P

    Thanks V,
    The colors turned out well. :)

    Hahaha Tigerfish,
    I think he took the letter DD LOL!

    Thanks singarishgirl,
    I hope he liked it but he was not the one that expressed it well.

    Hi Carol,
    Thanks! What is K beater? KitchenAid beater? I only used my handheld mixer/beater, so that would do (this got all the job done). Just remember people used to beat everything by hand. ;)

    Thanks Yan! Well, what are you waiting for? LOL! You can practise if anyone birthday is coming up.

    Thanks Andaliman. :)

    Thanks Ling. :)

    WOW, cracking the eggs! That's major task leh. I won't dare to even let Evy try this. LOL! Yes, I think letting them help is a major accomplishment to them, she felt proud too and would pick up the cookies she made and ate all of that and told everyone she saw she made those cookies. :)

    Thanks Sweet Jasmine! :)

  14. Awwww...that's so sweet. I think you did a great job on the cupcakes. Like you, I normally use a very very thin layer of buttercream frosting. The amount of butter in it is just scary....

  15. Happy Belated Birthday to your darling Hubby!! I'm thinking should I make Tiramisu or Cupcake for my hubby Bday in coming DEC..maybe I should just make cupcake since he prefer cupcake than tiramisu..Thanks for your idea!!

  16. ooo..what lovely cupcakes. I do get your point about less buttercream the better though.. i tend to eat those without the cream (and only frost a few!)

    I love the way u pipe the heart sweet!

  17. Ah those cupcake so good looking especially the curly heart one ^_^

  18. Thanks Mandy. Yeah lor, not only the amount of butter but sugar as well! Really scary!

    Thanks Beachlover and you are welcome on the idea. You can make cupcake tiramisu also you know. ;)

    Thanks Daphne. Yeah, especially when we make it our own, we know how fattening that buttercream is. Maybe next time should use whipped cream, but that also fattening leh...hahaha...

    Thanks Rita bellnard and for stopping by. :)

  19. hi there! =) i am Grace and i love reading your blog. I saw this post on cupcakes and I was wondering if you have any tips as to where to buy decorations for cakes? edible decorations like shimmers, hearts.etc etc.
    do drop me an email for the reply ok?

    thanks alot!


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