Friday, November 09, 2007

Abalone Mushrooms/ Oyster Mushrooms

Besides the fresh oyster mushrooms, I also bought some canned one. It only registered to me that abalone mushrooms is actually the same as oyster mushrooms when I opened the can. Even though the picture on the can looks like oyster mushrooms, the name abalone sort of made me thought it might be of a different mushrooms. Silly me! (Guess I thought it would be the cap of the king oyster mushroom) Hmm... I don't really like the canned abalone mushrooms, it got some sort of smell which I don't quite fancy.

I decided to try something different and cooked it with shrimps and tofu this time.

I used the soft tofu and cut it into cubes. Arranged it on a plate and microwaved it for one minute, so that it would be warm. Then, I prepared the abalone mushrooms and shrimps sauce to pour on top. First, I stir-fry some chopped garlics in oil, then I added the mushrooms, then shrimps (one shrimp I cut into 4 pieces), saute for awhile, added some water, then seasoned with salt, rice wine & chicken stock granules. Added one egg white and thicken with cornstarch mixture. Sprinkled with chopped scallions before serving.


  1. i agree! the mushrooms from the can taste and smell different. I guess fresh is the best~

  2. Oyster mushrooms, shrimp and tofu mmmmm I can't just pass by like that. At least I shall eat two plates:)

  3. yes, these mushrooms have a kind funny taste which i dun like too.c even the fresh ones sometimes will taste weird.c :P

  4. Thanks Andaliman. :)

    I would not buy this can abalone mushroom again. I don't like the smell...Fresh is still the best!

    Hahaha..Dwiana. *passing two plates to Dwiana* :) This actually turned out delicious. I was actually surprised that my hubby didn't complain about the mushroom and finished the plate clean. Very surprised!

    Baking Fiend,
    I love the fresh one but definitely a no no on the can one. Won't buy that again!

  5. I passed here for seeing your work that is very good and desiring a good weekend

  6. Thanks for your kind words, Mr. Santos. You have a nice weekend too!

  7. oh!! yum yum.I love mushroom but dotter and hubby hate it,said how come I eat fungus!!!hahaha!!.I see you always cook mushroom.Did you try enoki mushroom?

  8. I use canned oyster mushroom & fresh oyster mushroom for cook most of my dishes, if you dun like the smell of it, just mix it with a bit of huatiao (chinese wine) before cooking. Hope it can solve the smell of the oyster mushroom.

  9. Have not tried canned abalone mushrooms other than canned straw and button mushrooms. I think fresh oyster/abalone mushrooms are still better! :)

  10. Hi Beachlover,
    Yes, you noticed huh? LOL! I love variety of mushrooms and always want to buy them. Just bought a packet of fresh king abalone mushroom again. I did try the enoki mushroom and loved it too.

    Hi culinary,
    Thanks for your tips. I just bought a can of bailing mushroom and would try your suggestion of mixing it with huatiao if it has the smell and also tips from Lily of stir-frying it in oil first. Thank you! :)

  11. I also like Bailing mushroom (looks like abalone shape) considered as vegetarian abalone, can use it to replace abalone, for Raw Fish Salad, just slice it thinly like abalone.

  12. Hi Tigerfish,
    Totally agreed! :) I like canned straw mushrooms though, my must have for CNY mixed veggies stir-fry.

    I have yet to try Bailing mushroom, can't wait to open mine and see what it is. LOL!

  13. simplicity, something everyone can do and yet so delicious!

  14. Just tried this tofu recipe last night with shitake. Adapted it slightly with oyster sauce. Simple and delicious, the husband liked it too :)

    I always enjoy looking at your blog for inspiration. I've just set up a food blog too: Feel free to take a peek when you're free :)

  15. BBOven,
    Thanks! :)

    Hi nilmandra,
    Glad you liked it! Will sure to drop by your blog to check it out! :)


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