Saturday, November 03, 2007

Chicken with Oyster Mushrooms & Sweet Snap Peas

I did an express shopping with V at EMWK last weekend when we bumped into each other at a Chinese restaurant. Express was the right word because she had to rush back home because her daughters were not feeling well. In that short 5-10 minutes, she told me fresh oyster mushroom was on sales and I told her about the 100 cookie from Taiwan and also a tin of Singapore cookies that was on sales and that was about it. LOL! Next time, we do need to shop longer! Anywhere, while shopping at the Asian grocery store where I bought the persimmons and oyster mushrooms, I also bought a packet of sweet snap peas. With the oyster mushrooms and sweet snap peas in mind, I added some sliced chicken breasts, garlic, carrot for color and flavored it with mushroom oyster sauce. MmmMmm...delicious!
What an coincident that V also cooked her oyster mushrooms with snap peas! I told her we are beginning to think alike! Hehe... Whoohoo....spooky! LOL! :D


  1. hi..i recently cook these for my mil with canned mushroom..(see my blog)...i call it honey beans...

  2. Haha! That's what good friends do...they start to think alike. Next we'll be finishing each other's sentences. Now that's REALLY spooky! LOL!

  3. Hi Sweet Jasmine,
    Will go look! ;)

    Hahaha...that's good thing right? :)

  4. So funny you two, when I saw your snap peas, first thing came to mind also, hey V just cooked that snap peas. They probably shopped together.

  5. oh!! I like this simple dish.I remember my mom always cook it every festival.Did you eat sweet snap pea raw?.I remember years ago when I was in EAst Village,NYC flea market,a vendor offer me Sweet snap pea ,she said"eat it,you can taste the sweetness by itse;f".That right!!especially it's really fresh!!

  6. Hi singarishgirl,
    But we didn't buy snap peas together leh!

    Yup! I tend to do easy stir-fry! :P

    No, I haven't tried snap peas raw. I still prefer my veggie cooked. :P But I really like sweet snap peas, not only it's sweet, it's crunchy too! :)

  7. it sure looks delicious! you've been cooking alot of my fav dishes lately... makes me drool! LOL

  8. spooky when three of us featured oyster mushrooms recently!
    Simple and delicious dish, I like!

  9. Thanks Baking Fiend! :)

    Tigerfish, yup! looks like it's oyster mushroom craze....hahaha... I got another dish coming up too!

    Yes V! :)

  10. hehe. we all need good friends like that-to exchange bargains details! I can imagine that with a bowl of rice and soup...


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