Thursday, October 04, 2007

Simple Dinner

Simple stir-fry bok choy with oyster sauce.

Sliced chicken breast with wood ear fungus and dried lily buds.

Recipe for Chicken with Wood Ear & Lily Buds:

1 chicken breast, sliced (marinated with salt, pepper, rice wine & cornstarch)
About 3/4 cup of dried shredded wood ear, soaked in warm water to soften, drained & set aside
About 3/4 cup of dried lily buds, soaked in warm water, drained and set aside (cut off the black hard tip)
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
Canola oil to stir-fry

Sauces, (A):
1 Tbsp. sweet soy sauce, 1 circle over the wok soy sauce, 1 Tbsp. rice wine, 1 dash of sesame oil


1. Heat canola oil, add in chicken, stir well. Add in garlic and cook until chicken no longer pink.

2. Add in wood eat and lily buds. Stir-fry well, add in (A). A little water to make sauce, simmer for 5 minutes and serve hot.


  1. Looks good! And I like your 'circle over the wok' sauce. :)

  2. ching

    no dinner is simple when it is homecooked

  3. I like leh! Definitely healthier than the microwaved frozen food I just had for lunch.:O
    Too lazy to prepare lah!

  4. Wah, like what my mum will cook.... I am homesick now :( A simple dinner with lots to give!

  5. home cooked is always the best! lily buds with chicken huh.. i havent tried it before.. thanks for the idea.

  6. Wow, really simple and healthy home cooked meal.

  7. V, hehe... :P

    Lily, hehe... but compared to some of my dinners, this one is considered simple. :P

    Microwave frozen food ah, then cannot compared to mine lah. :P

    Thanks BBOven! :D Call you mom and tell her you are going back to see her lah.

    You're welcome Daphne! Yes, I love home cooked meal, it's unique with each individual cook. :)

    Thanks Celine! :)

  8. can i have some since I have been in cooking blue mode

  9. just i reach home and saw ur food, wish I have dinner with u :)

  10. Hey awesome site. How exactly did you make the bok choy?

  11. Hi Anon,
    Thanks! Just stir-fry it with shallot and oyster sauce, plain and simple.


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