Friday, October 26, 2007

Lotus Root Soup

Lotus root soup is a comfort soup for me because my mom used to cook it for us. So, when moving here and started to learn cooking and starting to buy my own grocery, of course I couldn't resist not buying the lotus root to cook it myself. I realized that a lot of people cook this soup differently and this is how I cook mine. Pork ribs is definitely a plus in this soup instead of chicken drumsticks because it added the extra sweetness to the soup and matches so well with the lotus root.

Okay, for my lotus root soup I used these simple ingredients:

3-4 Pork ribs
1/3 cup Peanuts
1/4 cup Soy beans (pre-soaked in water for 30 mins)
10-12 Red dates, pitted
And of course lotus root, small one.
Salt to taste

Simmer until the pork is tender, about 3 hours and you will be rewarded with a bowl of sweet and delicious soup.


  1. I've never had lotus root but it looks lovely.

  2. Yummy!!!. This is one of my all time fav soup. Very interesting, this is the first time I have seen soy bean added to the soup. Must try next time.

  3. I must be thinking like you these days, cause I made this too! haha!

  4. Thanks Kelly, you should give it a try.

    Thanks Anon! Soy bean gives extra sweetness into the soup! I simply love it!

    V, really?...hahaha... I love this soup!

  5. we have this soup since young too. I couldn't seem to find lotus roots here in st louis. So frustrating. How I wish we were neighbors!

  6. My family also cooks this with bak kut!...hey, should it be lotus root?

  7. Hi Mandy,
    It's hard to believe that there is no lotus root in St. Louis. How come, not a lot of Chinese there?

    Hi Tigerfish,
    Thanks for the correction. I have since corrected. LOL @ my own mistake! :D LOL!

  8. My all time favorite soup! Too bad I can only find the frozen lotus root here.. but I haven't tried putting in Soya bean.. have to do so next time. One thing I like about this soup is the peanuts as well, nice crunch factor.

  9. This soup is an all time favourite

  10. Thanks for your tips the other day on the birthday bash preparation. I'm having some friend for makan this Monday. Not a big deal but still major thing for me. :)

  11. Hi Daphne,
    Frozen lotus root huh? Hmm...that's mean I can freeze my lotus root if I can't finish it?

    Yes Anon.

    You are most welcome Flower! Good luck on your preparation! :)

  12. My mum always advice me to boil the meat first, the put the meat into the soup.this is to avoid having oily soup later.

  13. I made this soup last week ... with a pressure cooker. Since I didn't know how to use a pressure cooker, I put in alot of water ... had been drinking this soup for the past 3 days!!! LOL!!!

    I put "Mut Choe", peanuts and dried squid in my lotus root soup, too. Yummy.

    Will try with Soya Bean too next time.

  14. hmmmm..I love lotus soup!! That is my favourite soup and the only one I'm very good at it.I see you and Aunty Lily like to add peanut into it but it never cross my mind to add peanut instead I like to add dried squid and dried oyster to the flavor.It's taste much better in 2 more days.I just make BKT,now your soup make me wondering about lotus.hahaha!! too much rain here:)

  15. Hi BBOven,
    I thought that is to rid of it's inpurity and have a clearer soup. I'm just too lazy for this extra step, I used the ladle to scoop as much out as possible before adding the rest of the ingredients, lazy version here. :p

    Hi Tricia,
    I have yet to own a pressure cooker, so also don't know how to use! Thinking of getting myself one when it's on sales.

    Hi Beachlover,
    Yeah, I saw that you used dried squid and dried oyster in yours, must be very sweet. For some reason, the peanuts and soy beans also give sweetness to the soup. BKT, yummy! I just finished my last packet of BKT too!

    Hi Andaliman,
    Not so sure about beef ribs because the soup will tend to smell/taste like beef stock after that. Unless you like the beef taste in your soup.

  16. This is my favourite soup! I use the same ingredients. :)

  17. Wow wow, the same ingredients, what a coincident! That's mean I'm doing something right! LOL!

  18. yeah. I think that means you can freeze the root! Nothing beats the fresh thing though!

  19. the soup looks EXACTLY like the one my mom brewed! my mom would add in some dried squid and skip the soya beans tho'. i love this soup... never failed to eat the lotus root and pork ribs in it.

    ok... back to doing my "assignment' - the long MeMe! LOL....

  20. Hi Daphne,
    That's right, will use the leftover to stir-fry then. I saw some dried ones too, not sure how they cook them, just in soup probably.

    Haha Baking Fiend, long meme leh? :D Next time I will have to buy some dried squid if I see it. I once saw it selling during CNY but didn't buy it and now I don't see it anymore. :(

  21. this is one of my favorite soups that ah ma use to boil for me

  22. Hi rokh,
    Long time! This soup is a lot of people favorite. :)

  23. I love how simple this is! I've always wanted to buy a lotus root but had no recipe to use it in. Do red dates have a special taste, or could I substitute other dates?

  24. Maggie, we always used dried Chinese red date in soup. But if you don't have it, you can omit it.


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