Sunday, October 21, 2007

MeMe: Five Things

I had been tagged by Big Boys Oven to do "5 Things meme".

A. Found in my room
1. Desktop computer
2. Harry Potter 7
3. Lotion
4. Banana chips
5. Water

B. I have always wanted to do
1. Travel around the world
2. Married & have kids
3. Good at cooking & baking
4. Try other cuisine
5. Own a big house in a big piece of land

C. Found in my bag
1. Diapers
2. Wipes
3. Purse
4. Keys
5. Snack and extra clothing for my girls
(Boring I know! LOL!)

D. Found in my wallet/purse
1. Credit cards
2. Driver licence/ID
3. Zoo membership pass
4. Tea Zone stamped card
5. Cash

E. I am currently into
1. Blogging
2. Facebook
3. Trying new baking recipes
4. Cooking healthy food
5. Trail biking

5 Candidates to tag
1. Beachlover
2. Baking Fiends Unite!
3. Blurmommy's Kooky Culinary
4. Retno's Kedai Hamburg, Germany
5. Tigerfish - Teczcape


  1. nice Meme!!hahaha..wau can go trail biking with 2 toddlers?.Respect la.What is tea Zone stamped card?.Okay ,you tagged me,now let me get back to draft my meme:)

  2. we are getting to know you more bit by

  3. Good Meme, it's always nice to hear more about bloggers.

  4. Hehe! I got tagged too. Now I'll have to figure out who else to tagged next after seeing your list. :)

  5. Thanks for the tag but I might be late hor....been busy with things leh!

  6. Hehe beachlover,
    Me just follow behind lah. My hubby will bike in front with a trailer that sit my two girls. Tea Zone is a place we get our green tea boba tea fix. After 10 stamps we get 1 free. ;)

    Haha...thanks for the tagged BBOven! :)

    Thanks Kelly!

    V, you will have no problem coming up with 5 to tag! Can't wait to read yours!

    No problem tigerfish! Take your time!

  7. Thanks for the tags. Another homeworks ^_^

  8. Thks for the tag. Will get to it soon.


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