Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Green Beans Sweet Soup

Spotted anything different?

The last couple of days had been cold. I had to dress my girls in those footed sleeper to keep them warm. And what a great way to warm up the body with some warm sweet soup. 

I added mini tapioca pearls into my green beans soup. No, I didn't think of this myself but I ate it in one of the Chinese restaurants we frequent in Denver. They added tapioca pearls into the red beans soup dessert and it was really good, a change from the normal red beans soup. Since I didn't have any red beans at home, I made it with green beans instead. I also added Gula Melaka with rock sugar for extra flavor. My girls loved it especially Evy because she liked the texture of the tapioca pearls.

Note: It will be excellent with some added coconut milk before serving. But I want to keep it healthier and thus omit the coconut milk.


  1. Yummy, hot, sweet dessert soup, and I like your tapioca addition! I was thinking of beans too, but the savory kind of soup. :)

  2. yummy, i love tapioca in my sweet soup.

  3. I add tapioca pearls to my red/green beans tang-shui too plus a handful of rice (normal or glutinous) so that it is not too watery.

    normally for redbeans, I like to add a piece of dried tangerine too.

  4. hehe..that's a good addition and an excellent idea too. Love the texture of tapioca pearls actually... ah... sago pudding.. haha

  5. How come your green bean soup is not greenish but rather brown?

  6. Yea, thats what my mom would do when she's making tong shui

  7. Thanks V! :)

    Thanks cocoa. Looks like the addition of tapioca pearls is very common.

    Hi Peony,
    Oh yeah, my mom taught me to add a little rice/glutinous rice too, guess I forgot on that day. Just bought a packet of dried tangerine, haven't gotten a chance to open it yet. Now I wonder, how am I going to finish the whole packet!

    Don't remind me Daphne, I love to have sago pudding too, yummy with the gula melaka and coconut milk. Slurp!

    Guess me too, baking fiend!

    BBOven, because I added gula Melaka into it. :P

    Hi ilovepearly, guess this is really common, I just didn't know it before. Hehehe...

  8. I often make this green/mung bean soup too and add coconut milk, gula jawa/palm sugar and ginger. It´s a good idea that you added the tapioca pearls.

  9. Yummy! Great idea on the tapioca. Gotta go find some too. :) BTW: I just got hold of some konnyaku jelly mold like urs & I realized that it's made of softer material, right? More silicon like. The ones that I have been using for dips are hard plastic. Sorry, didn't know they were different but now I know. :)

  10. I was just about to make it over the weekend as the climate has changed this week.

  11. Is green bean also known as green mungbean? If so, I love it... We have a dish what we call burjo, stand for bubur kacang ijo

  12. I love sago pearls too. :) gives it a smooth texture.

  13. wow it had been more than 2 years since I last had this. My BIL firmly believe this is the best for "cooling" down the body.

  14. Belacan:
    wow! now you make me wanna to cook some hot soup too.That right !I always add small tapioca in sweet warm soup,don't feel so rough with it.It's true that woman are discourage from eating green bean ?.I hear they said very"leong" especially when have P.

  15. Hi Retno,
    Adding ginger is new to me but guess it will give the soup a little spicy taste.

    Hi BlurMommy,
    Oh yes, this one is a really soft silicon mold. Thanks for clearing that up. :)

    Hi Puspha,
    Guess it's soup season for winter!

    Yes Andaliman. It's the same thing. :)

    Hi singairishgirl,
    Me too and thus I love the sago pudding!

    Hi Edith,
    Wow, that is a long time. Better go simmer some lady!

    Hi Beachlover,
    I know this dessert is "leong" as oppose to red bean. But not sure about not eating this during P. By the way, your P means pregnancy or period? Hahaha... Because I also heard that during pregnancy, women cannot eat too "leong" stuff. I think in moderation should be fine but that's just me.


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