Sunday, September 02, 2007

Stir-Fried Rice Macaroni

I was introduced to this rice macaroni by Lily while we shopped together at the Asian store. She told me this dried noodle resembled the "lor see fun" and since I have been wanting to eat "lor see fun", I quickly grabbed it and put in my cart. Sorry for the empty packet because I only remembered to take a picture after I done cooking it. Lily, thanks for the recommendation! :)

This is what I came out with. Stir-fry rice macaroni with "chai hsin" and fish cakes. The sauce I used were oyster sauce, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar and sesame paste. It tasted pretty good along with some cut chili padi. But I don't think it really resemble the "lor see fun" leh. Man, I miss eating "lor see fun" with ground pork.


  1. oh its really looks delicous, can i have a plate now? :D

  2. wow... i love lor see fun too.. Your blog is wonderful, i live in australia, away from home and often craves for asian cooking. It inspires me to attempt cooking again ! Love It !

  3. Is that fish cake with it? Although it is not lo shi fun, it is still yummy stuff!

    btw- u have been tagged on my blog. =)

  4. Hi you can try make the "lor see fun" at home.

  5. Thanks Lia, help yourself! :D

    Hi Shanwen,
    Thanks and thanks for stopping by. I'm happy that my blog inspires you to try cooking. :)

    Hi Daphne,
    Yes, that's fish cake. :) Okay, will do your tagged soon. :)

    Hi Anon,
    If you have been reading my blog, you should realize by now what a lazy cook I am right? LOL! Ask me to make "lor see fun", are you kidding? LOL!

    Anyway, I did remember seeing this in a forum before and I remember it's not too difficult to make. But for me ah, I think I will just go buy the fresh "lor see fun" in the Asian store the next time I'm there. ;)

  6. Maybe u can check the fridge or freezer section of the Asian store? I managed to find some in the fidge section here. Made some last week but too hungry, forgot to take pic!! hehe..

  7. yep. that doesnt look a bit like loh shu fan to me.

    lucky i could get fresh supply of loh shu fan here in melbourne.

    check out my food blog at

  8. never had this one b4, looks so inviting leh

  9. Hi Blur Mommy,
    Actually I can get fresh lor see fun here in the fridge section. Just that it is quite expensive considering the little amount it has in the packet. So, I tried the dried one first lor.

    Thanks V. Tasted good too just that it was not lor see fun. ;)

    Hi Ginger,
    I can get fresh one in Denver, will go buy some the next time I shop there. Will drop by your blog!

    Thanks Isha. This is the first time I tried this dried rice macaroni too. :)

  10. this is interesting.. never see such a long macoroni haa.. they looks good though!!

  11. Hey, this looks like the pasta variety that is hollow...not called rice macaroni but I forgot what's it's name. :O ...I love macaroni, in soup or stir fry.

  12. Thanks Cocoa. :)

    Hi Tigerfish,
    I also donno what's it called since not too familiar with all these Italian Pasta names. But I think I know which you were related.


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