Thursday, August 02, 2007

Goodies from Ipoh, Malaysia

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My friend, M just got back from Malaysia and look what she brought me! The famous Ipoh biscuits, chicken biscuits and more. Needless to say I am in biscuit heaven right now, enjoying these delicious biscuits with my morning cup of coffee and later afternoon tea. Ahhh...bliss!

M, if you read this, thank you very much! It's really appreciated.

P/s: These are all so yummy! I'm such a glutton that I might finish all in a few days! *gulp*


  1. Ooo.... I love the Heong Peng!! Do u know how to make that? Enjoy your teatime!!

  2. WAh, my fav is the Beh Teh Saw!!!! Share leh! ;p

  3. Would you like to share with me? ^__^

  4. oh gosh!! hehe..what a treat! I spied the "fragrent biscuits" as well. those are my favs!

  5. Can't believe M is back already! Looks like lots of fun snacks there! :)

  6. i can finish it within one day *LOL*

  7. Little Corner, you have such a good friend. You're blessed indeed!

  8. wah, looking at all your goodies make me wanna go back my hometown now.

    but too bad, we can't drive in with our car now as the window is too dark for M'ysia standard. We r not used to going in without a car.

    enjoy your yummy snack feast.

  9. ooohhh... lucky you. I love Ipoh chicken biscuits. yum yum

  10. NOT FAIR NOT FAIR....Boycott Boycott!!!! U are not even Ipoh Mari, how come u are getting so many Ipoh' goodies??!! LOL

    I also want some..can u pls share?


  11. Hi Blur Mommy,
    I don't know how to make this. But I think Cafe of the East or TT made it before, thought I have seen it before, you can go check.

    Yup, M came back on Monday. All my favorite snacks, yum yum.

    ISha, LOL! I think if I wanted to, I can too! LOL!

    Thanks Argus! :)

    Your hometown got a lot of goodies leh. I simply love this kind of biscuits.

    Cooking Ninja,
    I know! Hehe...

    Fair lah Fair lah, I got Ipoh friend mah. LOL!

    Tigerfish, Andaliman,
    I share on the screen, you feast with your eyes okay? LOL!

    Yeah, that fragrant biscuit is one of my favorite too, I also like the Penang tau sar piah, and the one with gula melaka filling one.

  12. Hi there, I've been visiting your blog for a while now but I've decided to delurk. I'm not from Ipoh but I've heard alot abt the nice food there so when I saw your pic I was really drooling thinking about how they taste like. I also like to thank you for the best kuih bangkit recipe I've ever tried. I made it earlier this year for CNY and got rave comments from everyone! I've just set up my own humble blog and I hope you don't mind me putting a link to yours. Thanks!

  13. Hi Jam,
    Thank you! Yes, feel free to link me. For your info. you can buy the fragrant biscuit at

    I'm so happy you liked the kuih bangkit. That's my number 1 recipe.


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