Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

Look how I crammed two of them in one stroller. LOL!

This is Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, the only mountain zoo in the United States at an elevation of 6,800 feet. It has herd of Giraffes and now total at 19, and the fun part for kids are they get to hand-feed the giraffes "giraffe crackers".

Look at this Orangutan and the amount of carrots he can stuff inside his mouth!

This is the baby orangutan that has been abandoned by his mother. Thus the caretaker has been taking care of him and we can view him from 12-4pm each day. This caretaker even sleep with the baby orangutan in that viewing window!!

Edda zoned out at the end of the day and fell asleep in the stroller.


  1. Your kids are so cute! After such a busy day, i think I'd fall asleep in the stroller too!

  2. ur 2 girls r so adorable!! Esp Edda in the first picture!!!

  3. Evy and Edda looks cute in sunglasses. I am having hard time to have my son hang on the sunglasses for 5 sec. He will take it out right after i put it on.

  4. Ur daughters are so cute! I love the 1st pic where the little one is holding on to her sister. : )

  5. Thanks ladies! :)

    Cocoa, these days Edda loves to pull her sunglasses off and put it in her mouth! She would do it whenever I'm not watching.

  6. They are growing so fast! Love their sunglasses! But where's picture of their mommy? :)

  7. yes, both your babies r so adorable n lovely.

    they must have an enjoyable time at the zoo.

  8. Your kids are so cute and pretty. Did they have fun in the zoo ?
    It looks like Africa Safari when the zoo is elevated.

  9. dats very cute sunnies they've there.

    anyway, I've come out with this year's Merdeka Open House topic, pls check Merdeka Open House 2007. Hope you can join the fun.

  10. ur kids are so cute and sweet. i luv the 1st pic.

  11. Hey there! I just want to say I chanced on yr blog and love yr recipes. Tks for sharing yr fruit pastry cake recipe which I made today and I must say it is really nice!!!! If u would to see photos, pls get in touch with me at

    U hv such beautiful children : )

  12. Your babies are so cute. So sweet that Edda doesn't mind sharing her stroller with jie jie :) My little one also likes to pull her sunglasses out. At least yours let you put on a hat. Mine refused any hat on her head. Now she feels for hair clips on her head and pull them out. :(

  13. Thanks all. Yes, they did have a fun time at the Zoo, they love outdoor!

    Thanks for the invite. Might have some questions to ask you though since I never done this before.

    You should create a blog and post your food and bakes photos for us! ;) It's very easy!


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