Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dak Gochujang Bulgogi (Korean Spicy Chicken Dish)

Gochujang is a spicy Korean hot chili paste that used widely in Korean cooking. While paying for the smallest tub I could find, I saw the lady behind me with her two giant size Gochujang tubs, I mean GIANT tubs, man. I was wondering whether she open a Korean restaurant?

After seeing Cooking Ninja's Gochujang Bulgogi, I told her I need to buy myself Gochujang so that I can try this dish of hers. I made a little twist and made mine into dak gochujang bulgogi ~ Korean spicy chicken dish. This was the first time I cooked a dish using this method. Frying without oil and with all the marinade until the chicken was cooked. This dish was sweet and spicy and tasted pretty good. However, my hubby took a tiny bite and won't touch the dish again. I wonder whether the color put him off or what? I asked him why he didn't like this dish and I received a silent respond. So, until now I am still clueless. Well, nevermind, more for me! ;)


  1. there are so many uses of the gochujang. My hubby was not used to the taste when I first used it to stirfry, but after a while, he eats it like nobody's business. ;p

  2. Hey C,
    Never had gochujang b4. Can you show/tell me how the Gochujang tub look like? Hmm...is it a red tub? Thanks!

  3. I think maybe he preferred spicy to be spicy and not sweet and spicy?
    It's like some non-authentic Asian eateries serving Thai curries that are sweeter, rather than more spicy.

  4. I love hot and spicy dishes. My kids won´t tell me too if the taste of my cooking not good for them. They only said they have full enough! Then I saw them eat something else. :))

  5. Mandy,
    What other way to use Gochujang? Pls share it in your blog. I only know how to make soup and this!

    Go to Hugbear's blog, look at April 2007 archive. The picture of Gochujang is under her Korean Ricecake post. And yes it's the red tub one.

    Don't know leh. He is very picky one, a lot of things he won't eat.

    Hahaha...I normally prepare two dishes, if my hubby didn't like a dish, he only attacked one of the dishes and left the other one untouched. So obvious!

    Haha...go get it! :)

  6. your Gochujang looks good! I am going to cook this for my husband when he's back on his trip. he loves korean food.
    I had that red tub of chilli paste in my kitchen cabinet, raring to go. :D

    By the way, I have add your link to my blog (http://samshiki-piggy.blogspot.com/). Hope you don't mind. :)

  7. Goshhhhh, this dish made me droll. I love gochujang and Korean food as well. A week aho, I created grilled salmon by adding gochujang as marinade sauce

  8. I guess this is one of those either u love it or hate it...or an acquired taste. I love it!

  9. mm.. that's interesting. I havent tasted or heard of this. Looks like it is very popular with Koreans! hmm.... it looks very strong too... is it similar to kimchi?

  10. Hmmm..I have to try this. Wonder if my husband will eat it ;-)

  11. Hi
    My dh and dss are also like that. If they don't like what they ate, they'll just not touch it again.So when I try a new dish, I'll also make sure there's something familiar for them to eat.

  12. Hi Samshiki,
    Thanks! You should try the soup too! I don't mind at all, thanks for linking me. :)

    Thanks Andaliman. Gochujang as a marinade huh? Sounds good, I will go experiment with this idea also, for BBQ shrimps. Hehe...

    I guess so too. But he likes the Gochujang tofu stew though...so...?

    It's very popular with Koreans, I think every household at least have one tub at home. This is more like a chili pepper paste, spicy and have that unique taste.

    Haha...yeah let me know if your hubby will eat it or not! :D

    Hi Chawanmushi,
    You are very good, will prepare extra dish for them. Me, will depend on my mood lah! LOL!

  13. Hi C
    You can take a look at http://indonesia-eats.blogspot.com/2007/07/korean-style-spicy-salmon-grilled.html

    Hmmm BBQ Shrimp sounds yummyyyyy

  14. Sorry I have to reply you in the comment. Can't find your email add at your blog. I have one recipe using gochujang in my blog- Seafood Tofu with Gochujang Sauce and i think there are two good blogs that have recipes using gochujang: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/mitong (chinese blog) and http://mykoreankitchen.com/

    Oh, can I add your blog to my food blog list?

  15. Oh thanks Mandy! Will check it out! Yes, of course you can add my blog in your list.

  16. I think it is sweeter than the pork version because the chicken itself it rather sweet so perhaps less honey in it would balance off the taste. And during cooking the dish, you can taste and adjust the spiciness to your liking.

    When Pierre first tasted this dish, he too thought the taste is rather strange and takes some getting used to the flavour but overall he still likes it. :) Now whenever I cook this, he has second helpings. :)

    Btw: I had the same problem with sweetness of dish when I made sweet and sour chicken instead of pork. So I think it is the chicken that is naturally sweeter than pork.

  17. I am glad you found other ways to use the the paste. I got a tub a few months ago ... it's sitting in my fridge now! It's been really hot here in Toronto ... didn't want to make anymore soup!

    Do you mind sharing your recipe??

  18. Cooking Ninja,
    I think you are right about the chicken and sweetness! I definitely need to experiment more with Gochujang.

  19. Tricia,
    Not yet lah. I haven't experimented with it yet. If I do, will sure to post the recipe. At the meantime, you can check out other bloggers way of using this Gochujang.

  20. Belanca...I think you have to grill this dish.Usually when I eat korean food in the restaurant ,this main dish is on the 'grill".If you marinated Gochujang with fresh crab and eat it raw...lagi sedap!!!..when I order grill chicken ,they give me raw crab marinated as side dish.

  21. Beachlover,
    Thanks for your tips. Will try grill it next time. But, I don't think I can eat raw crab though. :P

  22. i cooked this dish... and its so nice. Although my husband says that it cant match the korean version, its the 2nd best he can get...haha

  23. Hi Samshiki,
    Thanks for your feedback ya! Glad you like it. :)

  24. I like gochujang, use it for bibimbap when I have leftovers meat from the day before, I would blanched some spinach, fry an egg. Add rice into a bowl, place spinach, leftovers meat, egg and mix gochujang sauce with spoon.

  25. Hi galleryfang,
    That sure is another way to enjoy the Gochujang.

  26. Hi there,...I have lots of Korean chilli powder, those used in Kimchee. It is going to expire sometimes next month. :( I had made kimchee, tofu cige using the powder. What else, any advice? Thanks

  27. Sorry galleryfang, can't help you there. I only know Korean chili powder is for making kimchi.


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