Friday, July 13, 2007

Chicken Curry Rice Dinner

Another one of my super lazy dinner. Can't you tell, I'm lazy all the times? :P This curry is made with Malaysia Traditional Specialties Chilliz - Meat Curry Paste. I added fish balls for Evy.

As for the rice, it's also my lazy version. I just threw cumin seeds, coriander seeds, dried curry leaves and turmeric powder with the rice and cooked in a rice cooker. After I tasted it, I knew this was not the way to do it, should have fried the spices in butter until fragrant then add in the rice and turmeric powder and not forgetting adding some salt, then transfer it to the rice cooker and let it cook. The rice will taste better this way as oppose to my lazy version. Lesson learned eh! Nevertheless, it tasted great with lots of curry gravy mixed in (everything in curry tastes good lah ;P).

P/s: June, I'm trying to meet your demand of posting more spicy food. LOL!


  1. You're tempting me to do chicken curry. Meantime, can I order a chicken curry rice set from you? :P
    Hahahah...I would have just cooked plain rice....lazier right?
    (p/s-read the temple logo rice paper, thks!)

  2. I love chicken curry! Yum YUM! I wish I could order food through the internet as well ;-)

  3. wow *drooling* :D
    nice blog!

  4. Tigerfish,
    LOL! set of chicken curry rice costs $4 (cheap cheap for you lah) but plus shipping equal to $14, still want or not? :D

    V :)

    That would be great huh? Not sure whether you can order the curry paste from the Internet or not?

    Thanks ym! :)

  5. mmm...chicken curry... I'm dreaming of my mom's chicken curry.

  6. It looks a bit like yellow rice (nasi kuning), but I used to pour coconut milk into rice.You called this lazy version, then..I am waiting for your dilligent version..he..he.

  7. Cooking Ninja,
    Your mom curry chicken must be very good!

    I already posted my delligent version below my lazy version. Lazy version is I just dump everything in the rice cooker without frying the spices first. I think this is more like a nasi minyak since I would fry the spices & rice in butter instead of using coconut milk. :)

  8. My hubby & I love curry (spicy) stuff! Unfortunately, most curries requires coconut milk ... which we are trying to cut down.

    Since you will be posting more spicy stuff, do you have any recipes that doesn't require coconut milk??

    If you do, please share!!!

  9. Hi Tricia,
    You can substitute coconut milk with milk or yogurt in making curry. Or try making assam curry instead of coconut based curry. Or simply used more diluted coconut milk.

    Spicy dishes are easy,just add some chili padi, dried chili or chili paste in your everyday stir-fry chicken or meat.

    I do have some spicy dishes in my recipes collection, such as mapo tofu, sambal belacan veggies, kung pao chicken, etc.

    Will post recipes if I make something different and spicy in future for you ya.

  10. looks good, its my hubby fav food *lol*

  11. Hi,

    I love your blog about cooking Malaysian. The pictures of your dishes make my mouth waters. I saw that you use Chilliz meat curry paste. We love Chilliz as well, it's so easy to use and it cuts down my time on cooking good Malaysian as well. I read that someone asked about where one can buy these Chilliz products in the U.S. Since I also love these products and realised that I cannot get them here, I have decided to be the distributor for my best friend from childhood, who is the the person who manufactures these products. Her factory is in Klang, Selangor. I live in San Jose, California, now and will be delighted to sell you Chilliz once the products arrive (end of August, probably). Anyone who is interested, please contact me at "lilianross at hotmail dot com" Thanks.
    Lilian Ross

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi,

    Thanks for your information on Chilliz. Is Ray your friend? :-)


  14. Hi Lilian,
    Yes, I considered him a friend because I have known him for years even though we haven't met yet. :)


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