Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fried Seaweed Crackers

No idea what this cracker is called, so I just named it like it is. This cracker normally can be found during Chinese New Year, sold along side all the other CNY cookies.

I saw a deep fried pastry roll recipe at a Chinese forum and it just provided me with the idea of making this. The method is the same, just that I have added a sheet of seaweed on top and roll it together. I cut it diagonally instead of straight down. It sure produces a nicer effect and looks like those sold in Malaysia.

This is a delicious snack that is hard to stop at just a few. Now you can make it yourself and don't have to wait til CNY to eat it. What's more, it's so easy to make! :)


  1. Very Creative!

  2. Yeah, but not my idea though, someone already selling it in M'sia. I just recreate it. :)

  3. Hi Ching,
    I learnt this from my sister while holidaying in SG in February. They made lots of this as goodies for CNY, but we sprinkle sugar instead of wrapping with seawood.
    The sweet ones are nice too, very addictive.

  4. hey i tasted these during CNY visiting at my aunt's place. She is vegetarian and she made these too and they are really addictive.

  5. Florence,
    Sweet one more fattening leh!

    Sure it's an addictive snack, so can't make too much cause hubby got no self-control. LOL!

  6. hi there.i also stumbled upon Cherry Pinky's blog.i tried making the seaweed roll but i cannot seem to make them stick together.i lay out a spring roll skin, brush some egg wash, put on a piece of seaweed, sprinkle some salt (for taste) and tried rolling it with a bamboo chopstick (the disposable kind) and towards the end (about 1 cm) i brush a little egg wash to stick.but i found out that the seaweed was 'floating' and doesn't stick to the spring roll skin. when i cut them, the roll open up and everything came off.so how ah?can you please advice?where did i go wrong?

  7. Hi Beginner,
    Hmmm...nothing seem to be wrong. But I think I used the cornstarch+water as a glue instead of egg wash. Perhaps you can try this. I also couldn't remember whether I brush the top of the seaweed with the glue or not before sealing.

  8. Hi Beginner~~
    oh..I've tried this yesterday, with brushing egg white. it works fine.

    - b4 rolling it up, I brushed one end of the seaweed, so that it "glue" to the popiah skin.
    - then, start rolling from the "glued" side. (I didn't brush the middle part)
    - after rolled up, brush another end of seaweed & popiah skin, & roll up till the end. so that all stick together.

    then cut them in shape, wait it dry & deep fried them.

    Yum.. well, one thing, my brush is bout 3cm wide.. perhaps this makes the egg white's glue area bigger. lolz.

    Happy Seaweeding~~ :-)

  9. thanks little corner of mine and yummie =) i tried both methods today and it sticks well.no more floating oredy.yea!yea!

    haha yummie,my brush also 3 cm wide one lorr..thanks again so much to both of you for the generosity to share your thoughts and experiences.

    but hor,my chopstick gets stuck in the roll most of the time and when i pull out, one end of the roll becomes pulled out.haha, so they look like cone shape.the type of chopstick i use is same width in length though.should i use the ones with one end more skinny than the other one?is it ok if it is painted wood chopstick or should i get the plastic or aluminium chopsticks?

    can you pls advice?i'm so addicted to this snacks you know, but it's bad becoz i sprinkle them with msg and fine salt.yum! yum!

  10. Hi Beginner,
    I used the one with thinner end. But I forgot whether I used the aluminum one or the wood one, why don't you just give each a try and see which works best for you.

  11. thanks again little corner of mine.you are so kind to share your thoughts =)


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