Thursday, April 26, 2007


Just sharing some pictures of them posing for the camera. How sweet to see them all lovey together. :o)

Update on Edda:
Edda is growing teeth! I can feel and see a tooth at her left middle bottom gum and another one on her right. Two at 6+ months!! Evy didn't grow her first tooth until 9+ months. So, this is early for me.

She started drinking from a sippy cup since 4 months. Never on pacifier and bottle (only on bottle for the week when doc. asked not to breastfeed her because of her jaundice). Good for me because I don't have to hide the pacifier or worry about keeping the bottle from her later on. Oh, I gave her water or sometimes diluted apple juice during or after meals.

I also started her on Gerber fruit puffs. I split it into half and let her self-feed herself on her high chair while I cook. Also to let her practise her pincher grab, thus far not too bad, half went into her mouth and half on the chair. Hahaha...


  1. Your kids look so pro to pose for the camera, especially Evy! Did you train them? Hahaha... SO CUTE!

  2. Always enjoy looking at pics of your gals, thanks for sharing with us!

  3. I love the first picture....Edda was smilling and I can see her teeth too..:)... Both of them look so alike...especially the eyes...

  4. Psy, I didn't train them but I did direct the shots. ;)

    Lin, I love sharing their pictures too. :) How come you don't blog anymore?

    Sherreen, yeah that you have mentioned, their eyes do look alike. :D

  5. Oh, I still blog...I changed my addie yet again..hehe! anyway, I did put up my new blog addie for quite a while, probably u missed's the site:

    Do visit!

  6. your girls look simply beautiful!

  7. Lin, definitely! :)

    Thanks for the compliment, tweetybird. :)

  8. both of yr gals are so CUTE! love the 1st pix the most.

  9. wow, such lovely pair. The little one is begining to look more like big sis. And that little Evy really know how to pose. You are going to be very busy leh.

  10. Thanks baking fiend, first pic. is my favorite too!

    Thanks E, not sure yet because her look will change some more. :)

  11. They are so lovely.
    No paci and bottle?? you are really good! I just started to gave my son cheerios, i don't think he know how to pincher grab yet, but he will get the cheerios with his hand and throw it to the floor rather then put it in his mouth haa..

  12. Edda doesn't know pincher grab also, that's why she needs to practise. I don't think they will really know it until 8 months. Now she grabs it with her 5 fingers and manage to eat half of it on her own.

    The latest saying said start to introduce them the cup at 9 months since sippy cup is bad for teeth. A straw cup is also better than sippy cup since with a sippy, they tend to sip the juice the whole day. Wish I had read that earlier since I just got them a new sippy cups instead of straw cups.

  13. omg! They looks so amazingly gorgeous!! *jealous*

  14. Thanks for your compliment, hungry hamster.

  15. Your girls are absolutely beautiful! No recipe required and they came out perfectly!


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