Thursday, February 22, 2007

Deep-Fried Imitation Crab Sticks

Deep-fried Imitation Crab Sticks

Stored in a container

Is it a bit too brown (or chao ta, lol)? To ensure it is crispy, I have to fry mine until this color, if not it is kinda soft. This is very easy to do, just shred the imitation crab meats into pieces and drop it into a medium heat hot oil and deep-fry until golden brown and crispy. Drain on paper towel and when cool, keep in a container. Very yummy to snack on!

Note: My homemade one lasted only four days. It turned soft on the fifth day.

Check out my other deep-fried imitation crab legs with dessicated coconuts. This is a great appetizer or party finger food for your guests.


  1. Wow! Must try! :)

  2. Hmm...I didn't know imitation crab sticks can be done in this way as tidbits, interesting! How does it taste like anyway? Is it like those keropok?

  3. Yes I have tried it before and it is indeed very yummy. My nephew and niece crazy over this.

  4. Never thought of doing this. Looks good, though. I bet my son would love these!!!

  5. Hmmm Lin...I don't know how to explain, taste a bit like keropok, fragrant and crispy! Guess you just have to try it. Haha...

    Tricia, yeah your son might just love this.

  6. C,
    Tried your imi. crab keropok last night and it was yummy! Kids love it too! Thanks for all the treats, GF!:)

  7. I know this post is old - but I'm in a bind - I need to find a delicious recipe using coconut, imitation crab meat, and maybe the deep-fry method. Suggestions?! Thanks!!!


  8. Hi Patricia,

    You can try deep-fry coconut imitation crab stick.

    Dip the stick imitation crab meat in the flour batter (self-raising flour + water and mixed into a thick batter) and coated it with dessicated coconut and deep-fry until golden brown.

    P/s: I have never make this before, just thought of it out of my mind to give you a suggestion. If you tried it and liked it, feedback to me ya!

  9. Thank you very much for your quick response!
    ....So I dipped the imitation crab meat in eggs, rolled them in a mixture of plain bread crumbs and coconut, and then deep fried them in a mixture of cooking oils (olive, canola & vegetable). The mixture of oils was a suggestion for flavor from someone who watches a lot of cooking shows, so I tried it. :) The first batch worked out extremely well, and it only took about 2 minutes for them to turn light brown. I took them out (they didn't float like I thought they might) and set them on a bed of paper towels to soak up the oil coming off, which was a lot less than one would think. (The second batch I created wasn't as good, mostly because [I think] there was already egg throughout the crumbs/coconut mixture. This caused the batter to separate from the crab meat and float about until VERY crispy. =) I should have began 100% from the beginning for the second batch - still they turn out well enough!)
    The coconut flakes were a lovely addition and I served them up with an orange and coconut dipping sauce. Guests at the (Tiki) party kept asking about it - and if your guests are anything like mine and LOVE seafood, they'll be very happy to try this treat! I might try a different sauce, maybe something creamy or cheesy - or perhaps even a marinara sauce. I'm sure it could make quite a difference if you're looking for a richer flavor vs. a fruity one. Thanks SO much for the suggestion!

  10. Glad it turned out well for you! Hmmm...I might make it too once I got my hands on some stick imitation crab meat. Do you have picture to share? Would love to see it! ;)

  11. Wow! I finally got around to trying this one out and it's delicious!

  12. i tried this yesterday and gave up after frying a fistful
    they tend to stick to the laddle/chopstick i used for frying and also if i don drop them one by one, they stuck together....
    how do you ensure they didnt stick to each other?


  13. Sorry to hear that storm, did you put it in when the oil is hot enough? Because I don't remember mine sticking together. I added it in one by one and fried in batches.

  14. HI,I am Leon.I think fried it one by one is wasting so many time.Do u have a faster way to complete job and solve the problem they stick together?

  15. Hi Leon, sorry I don't. This is quite tedious so I never make it again. :P Good Luck to you! ;) Oh, perhaps you can experiment with baking it? Try it at lower temp. perhaps 300'F but watch the time as I don't know how long it would take. If you try baking it, feedback to me as I want to know whether it would work. Also others can do this too. TIA!

  16. I trid this using my deep fryer :-) v v crispy and fried nicely :))))

  17. I tried twice, the stick is soft & not crunchy. Is not nice. I tried to dry them for 4 hours then fry & still is soft. How can you fried them crunchy like keropok? Please advise. Thanks

  18. Anon,
    Hmmm...I only made it once because it turned soft after 4-5 days and not nice anymore. Perhaps you can try mix it with some cornstarch/ rice flour before deep-frying? The light coating of flour would make it drier and perhaps add some crispiness to it? You can try and feedback to me to let me know if it works.


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