Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More of Edda

I love this picture of them. Their daddy managed to catch them smiling together, priceless!

This is her at exactly 3 months!

Finally, I managed to catch her smiling or laughing?

She loves taking bath, just like her big sister!


  1. Edda is one happy baby, her smile is so sweet!

  2. hi hi!

    the first pic is truly priceless :)

    i tried the orange chiffon cake recipe twice. The first was a disaster! The cake rose and fell and turned a glorious dark brown in 30mins flat! hehe. amazing what a klutz can do to a cake!

    the second time, i was sure it would fail. i got a little bit of egg yolk into the egg white mixture and couldn't reach stiff peak. Went ahead and it looks like a chiffon cake!!!

    please give your tip/advice on

    1) the cake rose beautifully inside the oven. once i took it out, inverted it as qiuckly as possible. despite the cake being inverted, i can still see shrinkage! am i doing something wrong here?

    2)after cooling, loosened the edges and shaked the cake out. unlike your beautiful cake, my brown surface are partly left in the pan and partly on my cake. is it ok to oil the pan? i was told no oiling!

    3) my cake was a light brown and not your gorgeous dark brown. any hints?

    4) if you don't mind, i would love to upload the pic to yahoo to give you a better idea of what i'm trying to describe!


  3. Thanks Lin & EMWK. :)

    Pink, will e-mail you!

    Pei2, thanks, yeah they look different with some similarity. Will see how her look change when she reaches one year old. :)

  4. Edda looks like a tough cookie. I have the first picture.


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