Sunday, January 14, 2007

Coconut Filling Buns

I decided to make coconut buns after I saw this at Pusiva's blog. It reminded me of what I used to have in M'sia. Since I just bought a package of shredded coconut, I decided to make the coconut filling and freeze it for future use. I used Pusiva's Coconut Filling recipe. As for the buns, I used Gina's Basic Sweet Buns recipe. With the filling ready in the freezer, I can whip up coconut buns anytime.

This is just a delicious bun, the Gula Melaka that I used in the filling made the coconut smelled heavenly while baking and tasty to eat. Do give this a try ya if you miss coconut buns! :)


  1. Yummy buns! Wish you could fax some over! LOL!

  2. Happy New Year! How is little baby?

  3. how does the coconut filling taste after you freeze it ? any frozen taste ? and how long the filling can be kept in freezer ?

    thought of freezing the filling too, sometimes really lazy to go out just to buy fresh coconut.

  4. Thanks Puspha and EMWK!

    Happy New Year to you too Audrey. The little baby is doing good, but still waiting for her to laugh out loud, eager to hear it. She hardly coo too, a quiet baby for sure, except when she cries. LOL!

    Peony, no frozen taste at all. Can't tell a difference really, just put it in the refrigerator to defroze it overnight. How long it can be kept, no idea...a year maybe? I freeze all my fillings, including red bean paste, mung bean paste, pineapple jam and roasted peanuts & sesame seeds.

  5. Hi There,

    I just got a breadmaker for X'mas and I can't wait to try out your recipe. Got a question, what is bread improver?

  6. They are so adorable, I just can't resist baby girls, I always feel they are mommy's greatest companion.

  7. Tricia,
    Good for you. Bread improver is something we put to improve the texture of the bread and makes the bread stay soft longer. You can only buy it in M'sia/S'pore.


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