Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Edda Update

Sharing some pictures of Edda at 2 months 1 week plus. She sures grow up fast. I think she is at least 12 lbs already since she is pretty heavy to carry. I finally has a baby who has fat rolls since Evy was a thin baby who didn't has any. I always amazed at other babies with fat rolls and how chubby they looked, now I also have one. :D She also has double chins that make her looks even chubbier. Haha...

She gives the sweetest smiles every morning when she first sees me. That's the most rewarding wake up call for me. She always wakes up around 7 or 8am, then she would make noise or cooing to get my attention (or more precisely to wake me up). If I peek inside the crib and she sees me, she would just smiles and smiles. Those smiles always melt my heart.

I try to snap pictures of her smiling but it's just too difficult. She just won't smile for the camera yet. So, can't show off her two dimples yet. :P

Trying to snap her smiling here, well almost!


  1. Belachan,

    Your baby is growing up fast. and she looks so cute! :)

  2. Ching, I can see her dimple on the last picture. Such a cute dollie!

  3. Oh, Edda is so chubby and cute! I would love to pinch her cheeks :p

  4. Thanks ladies and Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2007 to all!

  5. Ching, she's so sweet and adorable! Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year To You & Yr Family Too!! :-)).

  6. Xiao fei fei is so chubby and so cute. I have no doubt her smile will melt hearts.


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