Monday, October 23, 2006

More Pictures!

I hope you guys enjoy looking at baby pictures because I have not been cooking and no food picture to post. :P

This is Edda at 2 plus weeks old. She still has jaundice and it has been two weeks and she is still yellow looking. Her blood test today showed slight decrease in the bilirubin level, so that's good news. She will need another blood drawn this Wednesday to see if it's down for good. My poor baby feets were covered with bandages since birth. Poor thing!

My mom burping her.

Sun bathing in her bassinet.

Sun bathing in her bassinet.

Picture with her big sister.


  1. Ching, Edda's so lovely. :-).

    She so poor thing! *sayang sayang*. I hope her jaudice will just go away. Did the doctor suggested anything to help her to recover faster?

    Her big sister is also very cute :-).

    Take care.

  2. Look at the two sisters, both are so adorable!

  3. Welcome to my blog ricecrackers, hope you like the recipes. :)

    Littlehands, just got the result back from today blood work. Her bilirubin level is going down and doc. said no more blood work for her and looks like she will be recovered soon. :)

    Thanks Angie! :)

  4. Hiya Ching, hope you're resting well. Your girls are just too cute together!! I'm glad to hear that Edda's jaundice is going away. Btw, she looks great. Poor baby, I hope her feet are no longer plastered with bandaids! :) Take care..Cute girls!

  5. Thanks buzz2 and lin!

    Yeah, I tried to eat confinement food but found myself cheating once in awhile. :P Hopefully I will be able to showcase some confinement food recipes here.

  6. i love the last pic with Evy! :) Ching, u are blessed with 2 adorable little gals. :)

  7. oh! they're so precious together! Congratulations! Pictures like these make me wish I could be married and have kids soon too!

  8. Hi Ching, first time posting in your blog. Congrats to you on the birth of your little one. Your dds are very cute. The baby has lots of hair too.


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