Friday, October 06, 2006

Introducing Baby Edda

She has a little jaundice today so we have to get her under the sun for the next two days before going for another blood drawn.

She lost 7 oz of her birth weight since birth.

Will post my birth story when I'm free to write. Now I'm suffering from engorgement and backache.

Happy Mooncake Festival Everyone!


  1. she is so lovable..
    a big hug and kiss for her...
    apply a warm towel to your breast..
    careful that the little one don't get sun burn.

  2. Congratulation!! So happy for you and do take care.

  3. Ching, baby Edda is so cute!! Do take good care, waiting patiently for your story :)

  4. Oh Belachan,

    Your baby Edda is so cute... thank care and eat good food huh..


  5. Oooooooh! Sooooo cute!

  6. oh she is such a dearie. *kiss kiss*

  7. oh she is such a dearie. *kiss kiss*

  8. Congratulations on your new born baby! It's a misconception to sun jaundice baby, you should instead breastfeed her more often so that she can pee more often in order to get rid of the yellow pigmentation that causes the jaundice.

  9. Hi, I was bloghopping & stumbled upon ur blog.

    Ur little one is so adorable.

    Just sharing, sun-tanning the baby to treat jaundice is not scientifically proven. In fact, it is not advisable. We have a radio health show in SG & a PD confirmed it.

    If your breastfeeding, it could be breastmilk jaundice. Which is normal & ok.

    Link to share:

    Happy breastfeeding!

  10. gosh, poor baby, let's pray n hope she will be better soon! i love the little hat she's wearing.did u sew that urself? :)

    Ching, hope u'll b well soon too! :)Take care ya? Hugz!

  11. congratulations! she looks so sweet :)

  12. Ching,
    Congratulations on the new arrival.
    Your BB is so adorable, hug and kisses for the BB.
    Take good care of yourself and the BB!

  13. Ching, she is so sweet and adorable! :-). Hope she gets well soon. You too take care.

  14. Congrats on the the birth of your baby daughter. A sister for Evy ....

    Take good care of yourself.



  15. congratulations on the arrival of your new baby princess, ching. sounds like a fast delivery eh... take care ok

  16. What a precious little girl!Congratulations Ching and same to your family.

  17. Sweet chubby cheeks!! She's just so contented!! :)

    Ching, you take care then and enjoy yourself...:)

  18. Aiyo! Soooo cute! I love babies! They are so adorable and helpless at this stage! Love those baby smell too!!

    Rest well.

    Tricia Lee-Chin

  19. Congratulations! I came by your blog while looking for recipes. Sorry for asking questions earlier! didn't realise that you were pregnant - was too absorbed in your older food post.

    Congrats again and your darling girl is cute!

  20. Congratulation on your new born baby Edda. Don't worry about the jaundice as my youngest son also got very high level of jaundice when he was born but after 2 night under the light in Singapore hospital after that he was back to normal. Take good rest and have a good confinement.

    (still in Mexico)

  21. Congrats!!!!

    Baby Edda is CUTE...!!! :)

    How did u and hubby came out with the name Edda? any special meaning?

    Hmmm...Me and wife are trying to find a name for our coming baby boy..hehehhe

    U take care...! :)


  22. Thanks Evelyn. :)

    Ray, thanks. Edda means rich or with clear goals. I wanted the first letter to be E and not very common, so I look throught the baby names and decided on this one. They each have chinese names as middle name and we call them by their chinese names. I'm sure you will have no problem in finding a name for your son. Can't wait to see your son's picture too!

    Give me some time to put your link on my blog, having problem excessing blogger main page.


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