Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tonight Dinner

I have been lazy in the cooking department lately. Since I thought I was going to deep-fry the cornish hen and have some zucchini and onion on hand, why not just deep-fry all of them together.

So, tonight dinner was all deep-fried food. I thought it was easy but man...this deep-fried stuff took a long time. I think it took me more than one hour to finish deep-fried everything.

Onion Rings

Tempura Zucchini

Deep-fried 5 spices Cornish Hen

Oh yeah, this was just half of the cornish hen, the other half still in the wok frying. I had to take the picture first because I was afraid my daughter was hungry.


  1. perfect deep frying! sometimes my deep fry attempts end up with burnt pieces!

  2. yummy deep fried foods! :) Onion rings are my best friends!

  3. me too me too, i love onion rings. Used to like Burger King's but I think they have changed the recipe. didn't taste as good as it used to. :(

  4. Great hen!! We'd half a prawn flavored fried chicken here over the weekend too!! ehhe...Guess it's a good weekend for deep fried food!

    Btw, if you do quite a bit of deep frying, invest in a deep fryer. Saves a lot of time, you can control the temp and don't have to constently watch it coz there's a timer to off it when it's done. Also, it's easier to clean up (personal opinion). :)

    Then you don't have to stand all the time to watch them fry and also do other things. ;)

  5. I love deep fried food but won't do it in my kitchen. Too much cleaning up even tho. I have a deep fryer.
    Love your chk, looks crispy.

  6. Thanks ladies! I don't think I want a deep-fryer, don't have space in my kitchen anymore. Thanks for the suggestion though. :)

  7. Wow! Girlfriend, you are so hardworking for someone who's about to deliver soon! Your spread looks so yummy!

  8. Hi

    I am also a Singaporean living overseas.

    I was surfing around and saw your delicious roast chicken. Will you post the recipe for that ?

    All the food you made looks so good. I am going to try the cakes u made

  9. hi miso, me too a singaporean living overseas.

    i must say all these food blogs (including "little corner of mine") give us a chance to hone our culinary skills while living overseas.

    my version of slow cooker soup is posted here. it's really easy.

  10. Hi tigerfish

    Thanks for your slow cooker recipes. I love to use the slow cooker for making soups in Singapore. But, I cant find one in Japan! This weekend, I will be going to tokyo..hope to find one there.

  11. Welcome to my blog, Miso! But that's not a roast chicken though, it's a deep-fried cornish hen. But you can certainly roast it instead.

    The marinate for this is,
    5 spice powder,
    soy sauce,
    dark soy sauce,
    white pepper,
    and garlic powder.

    Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, best overnight. Deep-fry or roast in preheated 350'F oven for 1 hour 30 mins or until the temperature in thigh register 180'F.

  12. Hi, Can you pls share recipe for onion rings, they are my favourite. TQ Jean

  13. Hi Jean,

    My onion rings is a short-cut version. Cut the yellow onion into rings, dip into a thick batter made of self-raising flour + salt + garlic powder + pepper. Deep-fry until golden brown. Serve hot!


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