Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sambal Haebee Coconut Whole Wheat Buns

Same recipe as I did my whole wheat buns earlier.

The filling is the leftover from my rempah udang.


  1. Ching, yr whole wheat buns texture looks so soft n fluffy.

  2. Is that still as spicy? ;-)

  3. Ching,

    Love your whole wheat buns, they rise so high.

  4. Thanks littlehands!

    VH, yes just as spicy, won't stuff my bread with this anymore, too spicy to really enjoy my bun!

    Thanks Angie, to achieve this, just put the buns close together to proof. No way to expand on the sides, it will rise on top. :)

  5. I wish I was brave enough to try homemade bread! Did you use a breadmaker?

  6. Diddy,
    Yes, I used breadmaker to knead and proof the dough for me. I used to make it by hand and the result was as good. Give it a try, it's not difficult at all. :)

  7. Hi Ching,

    Long time no log-on... sorry never mailed you the recipes for the soups..was so caught up with work.. and then found out I was pregnant so was struggling with ms. Now am into my 5th month. Think you'll be due soon ya? All the best! Amazing how you can still find the energy to make so many things! I've only jus barely able to start cooking small things.. I couldnt tahan the after-smells! Good luck!

  8. Big congratulations to you enzomama!! :D Guess my baby dusts worked!! Haha.. Thanks and good luck to you too! Take care ya and don't worry about the soup recipes I have a few already.


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