Friday, August 11, 2006

My Version of RotiBoy

This is my new creation. The healthier version of RotiBoy. LOL! This is made using my trusted basic sweet bun recipe, I just substituted the bread flour with whole wheat flour and white sugar with brown sugar.

Since I have some leftover Mexican topping from making the cream cheese bun that I kept frozen, I used that to make the topping, just added some cocoa powder and coffee emulco.

I used the same cream cheese filling (for the cream cheese bun) for this Rotiboy. If not, you can used salted butter as filling, just made sure the butter was still cold solid when wrap inside the dough to proof.

Then, I added some sliced almonds on top of the Mexican topping. As you can see, my sliced almonds slide down while baking...Oops!

Here's the close up of my whole wheat RotiBoy with cream cheese filling. What can I say, another soft and yummy bun for my snack and breakfast!

I store it in the refrigerator because of the cream cheese filling and toast it in a toasted oven for 4-5 mins the next day and fresh baked again!!


  1. Looks so pretty! How did you get such a pale looking bun with the emulco? Mine was kinda dark, I was trying the lighter look. It really looks professional!!

  2. Ching,

    These buns look as good as store-bought ones, love the wholesome soft interior :)

  3. Buzz2,
    I only used the emulco on the mexican topping, not the bun itself.

    I got my emulco in M'sia. I don't think you can get it here.

    Thanks for your kind words.

  4. Ching, it looks so nice and yummy.

  5. Ching, i can smell your Roti boy from here. Awesome.


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