Monday, July 24, 2006

Bubur Pulut Hitam

I bought a bag of black glutinous rice months ago thinking of making it but just never got to it. Then, Lily came to visit and taught and showed me how it was done. The below was made by me since hers was finished without taking a picture.

I made mine with a little white glutinous rice (Lily's method) to cook the bubur. Then, added dried longans and Gula Melaka (like Amy Beh's recipe). Lastly, top with salted coconut cream to serve.

When stirred and ready to makan. If you want the recipe, just go to and do a search. Amy Beh got a good recipe there.

Click here to read my latest bubur pulut hitam using a slow cooker (with recipe).


  1. Looks so tempting...this is one of my boy's fav...:) good for him since he's not a rice eater!! :)Never tried it with longans, do you pre-soak the longans before putting it with the rice or cook as it is?

  2. I cooked the longan as it is, but added in after the rice was soft together with the sugar.

    My girl is the opposite, she loves rice, even plain white rice for lunch sometimes. Weird leh?

  3. Hi, your bubur pulut hitam looked so good! Did you put pandan leaves in your dessert too? Did you find it at the asian market in Denver? I haven't seen any yet. Maybe I didn't know where to look. My daughters love rice too, so I am thinking of trying your recipe.

  4. Hi Anon,

    Thanks. No, I didn't put any pandan leaves in my dessert. You can find the frozen one in Denver in the freezer section.

  5. oooo this is one of my favourite. Long time no eat. Now you again inspire me.

  6. Frozen pandan taste the same? So far I have not seen a fresh pandan in PErth yet, but never tried the frozen one too.

  7. Ching, I first cooked Bubur Pulut Hitam last year, using the recipe from KC. But with added dried longans and Gula Melaka is something new to me.

  8. Edith, you got a dessert to make! :)

    Flower, I have never tried the frozen pandan too, so not sure whether it will retain the smell. The Indonesian pandan paste is so fragrant for my baking uses, and pandan leaves can be omitted in cooking, so I haven't felt a need to buy frozen pandan yet, unless to make kuih or something.

    Tazz, it's great with dried longan and gula melaka is a bonus. After I had it with dried longan, both me and hubby won't go for one without. We are spoiled! Haha...

  9. Hi there..

    This is my most favorite dessert! I made it at least once a month. But where do u get gula melaka in the US?

    Hey...can i post some of ur recipes and food pics in myBuddies? hhehehe


  10. Ray,

    I got my Gula Melaka from Malaysia lah. ;)

    Sure, but please give me the link of the recipes posted so that if any of your members have question, I might be able to answer it.

  11. Wow! Ching, the bubur hitam looks very yummy. It's my fav too and I just love to eat it with vanilla ice-cream instead of the coconut milk *slurp*

  12. Thanks Anon. Eat it with vanilla ice-cream huh? Something new for me to try! Hehe...

  13. Ching, paiseh again, it's me not Anon. As usual, I forgot to sign off.


  14. Just done cooking mine a few minutes ago. It was not a gooey as it should be, but the taste was just like it was back in Singapura! I love this desert!

  15. Benjamin, you should try cooking it using a slow cooker, the texture will be gooey and delicious. I only cook mine in slow cooker these days, no more stirring and keep watch. Turn it on at night before I go to bed and wake up to a pot of delicious gooey bubur pulut hitam.


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