Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Prima Taste Singapore Laksa

My craving for a bowl of Singapore laksa finally made me purchased the $6 Prima Taste brand laksa. It was really expensive considering other premix brands only cost about $2-$3 per box/packet. My wanting to eat yet too lazy to make my own paste made me bought this. However, glad to say that the result was not disappointing, it was actually pretty good. The gravy was ready in 5 mins and the box came with coconut powder, laksa paste, dried laksa leaves and sambal chilli. All I needed to do was to prepare the noodle and garnishes for the laksa, very simple!

The downside was the serving was only for two, so $3 for a bowl of laksa gravy, don't you think it's a bit expensive? The store also sells Prima Taste Singapore mee siam which I have never tasted before. According to my friend, the Prima mee siam is pretty darn good too. Hmmm....perhaps I would buy and try it one day, just to see how mee siam with gravy tastes like. Never have it before, just saw some posted pictures of it in blogs or forum, very curious to find out the taste and flavor of it.

You may also like Singapore Curry Laksa.


  1. Hi Ching, yummy laksa ! I have never tasted Prima laksa nor mee siam but I love the Prima Premix for Mee Rebus (mee jawa). They even provide the dark sauce and lime juice, very delicious!


  2. I bought some Prima Paste laksa during my home trip this year. Very rich but delicious and easy to cook. As for the mee siam you mentioned, the gravy is a bit sourish. The gravy is made of bean paste, lime juice, etc. If you like asam laksa, you will like the mee siam.

  3. jc, thanks! Perhaps I should try the mee rebus instead. I think they probably sell it here, will go check.

    pei2, so the mee siam gravy is made of bean paste huh? Now I'm not sure because my hubby doesn't like bean paste. Thanks for letting me know! :)

  4. I haven't tried the Prima Laksa but I heard rave reviews. I bought some to try when I went back last mth but haven't got around to it yet!Unfortunately I bought their Rendang paste...erm...you can pass that. My husband said I should just stick to my regular recipe (I usually make the paste myself). Well, there goes a shortcut!!

  5. Hi Ching,

    This is my 1st time dropping by your blog and i must tell you.. you laksa look so so so....delicious........

  6. Buzz2, so forgo the Prima rendang paste, got it! I like the Adabi rendang paste. :)

    Thanks Puspha & Ellena Mommy! :)

    Peitempo, so I should give Prima mee siam a try huh? Oh yeah, we can get a variety of Prima pastes in Denver. That's why I think I spotted Mee Rebus too.

  7. Ching, your laksa looks good!! Haha.. think Lin is going to start hunting for the premix!

  8. Lin, I got mine in a Vietnamese supermarket.

    Tazz, thanks! Yeah, she will probably keep an eye for it, or better yet buy more while in S'pore. Here is expensive lah.

  9. Ching , that’s a tempting bowl of laksa :).

  10. Hi belachan,

    Your laksa look delicious. I also like this Prima Laksa premix.


  11. Thanks Yochana and thank you for dropping by my blog. :)

  12. Chanced upon your site by a friend searching for Prima Laksa. There are distributors in US. Look up the Prima Taste site. I found that the store in GA has better prices but less selection. Both do shipping in US. Haven't tried buying from them. Good luck!

  13. oh this looks amazing!!!! I am craving some spicy noodles.

  14. Hi

    Where to find a Vietnamese supermarket in singapore?


  15. Hi TSL,
    Sorry I have no idea as I am living in USA.

  16. Hi, came across your blog from a friend's facebook link :-)
    Interesting pictures.... yummy!

  17. Thanks, come by more often babysmooches.


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