Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Evy Posing for the Camera

She loves to take picture these days. Always ask her daddy or me to take picture of her. Look at her posing for the camera...hahaha...

Recently, she started to watch T.V. cartoon especially Nick Jr. and PBS channels. She loves Dora the Explorer, Blue Clues, Little Bill, Max and Ruby, Lazytown, Osward, Sesame Street, Dragon Tales and Barney. Thus, instead of fighting over the computer, now she is fighting over the T.V. *roll eyes and sigh* I guess we will have to get another T.V. soon!


  1. Ching,

    Evy looks nice..love her rosy cheeks..she really know how to pose...

  2. ooooh! she's so adorable and BEAUTIFUL.....not gonna pinch her cheek - i hated that but would love to hold her.....
    IUI on Friday 5/5/06

  3. OMG, she is so cute and adorable!!! Looks like you have a model in your hands! :)

  4. what a cute girl she is!! I guess, all girls are born to know how to dress nice and pose , even my small daughter does that too !!

    Reg TV, my hubby already thinking to buy one more TV ......hahaha !!

  5. Ching, Evy is such an adorable and pretty girl :)

  6. Belachan, Eny so cute and adorable! Ahhh! Supermodel in the making, yeah *wink*

  7. Opps...it's me, artchoo6

  8. Thanks Sherreen! Her rosy cheeks are really prominent in M'sia because of the hot weather.

    Thanks Mike! Best of luck on 5/5/06!! Guess no one can pinch your baby cheeks later. LOL!

    Thanks JP, Janet, Angie and artchoo! :)

    Yeah Lin, she sure knows how to pose! LOL!

  9. your gal is so cute and adorable...

  10. I like the second pic, looked so Lin Ching Hsia. *lol*


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