Friday, March 24, 2006

The Big Two

My little girl is going to be two in a few days. It's great to see her grow up and being independent. I remember when she was a baby, I was thinking how I wish she could sit, then crawl, then walk, then talk and being more independent. Hahaha... guess I'm the opposite from all the moms who wish their babies will remain babies forever.

We got her a notebook after we moved. Now she has her own little corner in our computer room. I saved a few children friendly websites on the desktop and taught her how to open her notebook, use it, open the links on the desktop to play and shut down the notebook when she is done. She definitely is a fast learner because I only need to show her once and now she is a little expert.

Teaching her how to use the computer definitely paid off for me because now she learned to recognize A-Z and even pronounced all of it except a few she still couldn't. 1-10 in English and a few English words she learned while playing and surfing on her own. She already knew how to say 1-10 in Mandarin, I taught her that. She speaks Mandarin to us and can I say she starting to form sentences in Mandarin. I know she understood a lot of words but she still couldn't pronounce it, but I believe all this come sooner or later.

I am very happy with her progress. How proud I am of her speaking in Mandarin because no matter where we are, deep down we are pure Chinese and I don't want people to call her a banana (yellow outside but white inside) or being look down by Chinese in the future. No matter what, bilingual is a plus no matter where you are. I always look at the wider range and into the future and I strongly believe we made a right choice.

My little girl, mommy and daddy only want what's the best for you and for your future. A little obstacle in the beginning is nothing because you will be fluent in English in no time. All we wish is you remain speaking in Mandarin with both your parents and never forget the language.


  1. Wow... What sweet & clever girl, u have! *Evny* ;)

    Advance Birthday Greeting to ur lil Princess... Wishing her a birthday filled with happniess, smiles, sweet memories, good health & more... all through the year!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little girl! :))

  3. Wow...she is so adorable! Happy Birthday my little one! You are so cute and smart!

    So, what is mummy preparing for the big day?

  4. aiyaiyaiyaiyai ! so her complexion....

  5. Thanks! :)

    JP, this mommy is too lazy to prepare anything. But aunty Lily made Evy a ice-cream cake and had a gathering at her house. So, a lot of people got to sing her a birthday song and she got to blow her candle.

  6. Very cute little girl! Happy birthday to little Miss Evy.

  7. Hey hey...Happy Birthday Evy!! Hope I'm not too late. It's always good to learn more than one language..:) and you never know when you need it. Hope Evy has a great birthday celebration!! She's just adorable! Have fun!!!

  8. Happy birthday !! She is a big girl now , actually my Wei Ern also going to be 2 soon , but how come your daughter looks like a big girl but mine is still like a baby ? Must be caused by no hair lah >_<

  9. its always the diamond of mum's eye when your girl is growing up so beautiful.

  10. Thanks Ydavis, Buzzbuzz, Lin and Jingle. :)

    Janet, don't know leh. Perhaps it's the hair. People always thought she is older than her age whenever we told them her age.

  11. Congrats on your cute and smart little girl. I agree that you've done well by teaching her Mandarin. It is one of my biggest regrets now that I've been too lazy to teach my children Chinese and so none of them could speak the language. When you have to watch Stephen Chow in French you knew something's wrong...


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