Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sweet Potato Dessert

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This is one sweet dessert to enjoy in the cold winter days. Super easy to make and take less than 30 minutes.

For the Syrup:

Water to your liking
Gula Melaka (sweetness to your liking)
or the brown bar shape sugar (found in oriental stores)

Few slices of gingers

1 peeled and cubed sweet potato


Boiled the water, gula melaka and ginger in a saucepan. When the sugar has melted, add in the cubed sweet potato. Covered and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the sweet potato has soften. Turn the heat off and serve warm.


  1. Ching, you made one of my favourite desserts.:) I also like adding dried longans into it. By the way, how cold *brrrrr* is it over at your place now?

  2. ching, seem delish and to think i have never try this version before!

  3. On the 15th of CNY, I cooked the soupy Tang Yuan and added some sweet potatoes into it. Very yummy!

  4. Ching, This is one of my favourite dessert too! Sad to tell you that I can't find any red/orange sweet potatos here... I miss it so much!!! *Drool*

  5. Angie,
    It was down to around 20-30'F few days ago. It starting to warm up again, around 50s'F.

    This is easy version. ;)

    I tried it with colorful 5 mins tapioca pearls with added coconut milk. Yummy too.

    Fonia, I wonder, what color is the sweet potato there?

  6. like!!!!
    Wow..that's cold. Sometimes, when its humid hot here, I wish is

  7. Ching, they are white in colour... vy similar to YAM! Last time I cooked 'Bo Bo Cha Cha'... Using both yam & sweet potato - Look damn ugly, u know! Dunno which was which, until we ate the cubes!*Grr...*

  8. JP, don't we all are, when it's too hot, we wish it's colder, when it's too cold, we wish it warmer. Hahaha....HUMAN!

    Fonia, wah, that's interesting! I have yet to see a white sweet potato, learned something new today. :)

  9. I love this dessert. My mom always make this. I gotta try to make it on my own.


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