Sunday, February 19, 2006

Dried Shrimps Crabs & Fried Tang Hoon

Dungenous crabs was on sale the other day, so I bought some to try out a new recipe. We had this crabs cooked in dried shrimps at a friend's house the past CNY and it was delicious. My hubby just loved it. But we didn't really have the recipe, just noticed the main ingredients used were dried shrimps and curry leaves. And thus I have to recreate this dish myself using my own version since the sauce that we used were probably different, so it didn't taste quite the same. Overall, it's still not bad since my hubby finished almost all of it.

Dried Shrimps Crabs

I also fried some tang hoon with bok choy, straw mushroom and eggs to go with the crabs. My little girl actually enjoyed the crabs more than the tang hoon. I think she didn't fancy the texture of this noodle. But she sure ate quite a lot of crab meats that night.

Fried Tang Hoon


  1. Salivate....Dried Shrimps Crabs!!! I love crabs!!!

  2. Yummy yum yum crabs, Ching :) Looks like you've pretty much settled down in your new place, you've been cooking again ;p

  3. ooohhh...I love Tang Hoon...always order Pad Woon Sen in any Thai restaurants, whether they have it on their menus or not...try my luck, right....:D Lovely tang hoon....

  4. I love Crabs but I have to control my diet now >_< I am sure that your daughter enjoyed it a lot . She is only 2 yrs old , but she love crabs ...hmmmmm, she is special !!

  5. Thanks all. :)

    Yeah Janet, I was afraid that she might have some sort of allergy reaction but she did not and kept asking for more.


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