Thursday, February 02, 2006

Belacan Okra (or Ladies Fingers)

Finally sorta settled down into my new house. There are still some things that need to be changed, things to buy and landscaping to do. So, I might not be able to update as often, but here is one that I did weeks ago.

I love okra! To save time, I used the frozen cut okra right from the freezer and bottled shrimp paste sauce, belacan powder and bottled chillie garlic sauce to make this delicious comfort food.

Living in the U.S., we just have to adapt. Fresh okra is pretty hard to come by but the frozen ones are basically every where in the freezer section. This frozen okra is actually very fresh because it was packed and freeze right after it was harvest, clean and cut. One thing though, don't defroze the veggie, it would get soft and mushy. Just cut it open and pour into the hot wok to stir-fry. You don't even have to wash it.

The result? You can't even tell it is from a frozen package.


  1. Ching, great to see you again :) The okra looks great, seems like you love spicy food, don't you? ;p

  2. *Waving Madly fr Italy* WELCOME BACK... CHING!

  3. Hey hey, welcome back...hope to see more postings soon...take care then...nice okra!!!

  4. Thanks All! *muak*

    I'm still feeling very lazy, not sure if it's the CNY bug or what. Hope to get back into blogging mood real soon.

  5. i miss ladyfingers so much, havent eaten them since cny.

  6. I've cooked my okra with the canned Ayam brand sardines in kung bao flavour and it turn out delicious!
    Go try it!


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