Monday, January 02, 2006

Chilli Crabs

Believe it or not, I never had a chilli crabs before until I came to the U.S. Didn't even know this dish is so popular in Singapore until my Singapore friend here cooked and served this dish to us. My hubby fell in love with this dish after he tried it. And I finally cooked it for him on New Year day. :)

I adapted this chilli crabs recipe from Elaine (YongOne from KC). I made mine with frozen crabs and ready-made Vietnamese chilli-garlic paste that easily available in the United States.


-2 large Dungenous Crabs, about 2.5 lbs. Got this pre-cooked and frozen. If you can get fresh, use fresh crabs.

-1 whole bulb of fresh garlic, peeled and chopped (about 10 big cloves).
-1 2 inches of ginger, peeled and chopped.
-1 yellow onion, cut into half rings.


-4 Tbp. Vietnamese style chilli garlic paste
-2 tsp. belacan powder

-3/4 cup tomato ketcup
-1/4 cup + 1/8 cup Lingham original chilli sauce
-1 1/2 Tbp sugar
-Salt to taste

2 tsp. cornstarch + some water

2 eggs, beaten

Fresh cilantro


1. Heat a big wok with some oil. When heated, add (A). Stir-fry until onion is slightly brown.

2. Then, add (B). Stir to mix. Add crabs and fry to mix.

3. Add enough water to cover 2/3 of the crabs. Add (C). Cover the wok and let it simmer for 20 mins or until the crabs is cooked or hot (if used frozen).

4. Add thickening to the gravy. Gently stir in the beaten eggs and stir to mix and coat well.

5. Garnish with fresh cilantro on top. I forgot to buy cilantro, so chopped scallion as my subtitute garnish. ;)

Verdict: Delicious!


  1. oh wow, the chili crab looks so delicious! yummy :p

  2. I like Chilli Crabs but can't handle the armoured ones! Can only buy and eat the cooked crabs. *lol*

  3. Wah, such delicious looking crabs, the gravy must be great with bread or 'mantou'. :)

  4. Thanks ladies. ^_^

    Tazz, what choice do we have but to adapt? @_+

    Angie, yeah lor. I was cursing myself for not getting a bag of ready-made mantou earlier in the store! #_#'

  5. I guess the lazy bug has flew away from you! :) OMG, this is sooooo yummylicious!!! Wah, dip the sauce with the deep fried mantau...glorious!!!

  6. Lin, thanks! I thought the old blog is a bit too pink! :P

    JP, thanks! Still lazy lah, lazy in baking! Cooking got no choice, got to cook every night. :)


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