Saturday, December 10, 2005

Vietnamese Honeycomb Cake

Thanks tt for this wonderful recipe. :) I first saw him posting this recipe at Jo's Deli a couple months back. The picture and simple recipe just attracted me to it. Got to copy it and put in on my to-do list.

I have a tea party next Sat. and thus have to think of something to bring. And I saw this recipe again while surfing through tt's blog. So, why not this!

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This is my trial & test version because I have not make it before and I just don't want a last minute disaster and plan B kinda thing going on next Sat. Glad to say that it turned out great. I just have to grease and flour my bundt pan the next time I make it. (If you just grease it alone, it will stick to the pan)

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This is a close up picture of the cake. This cake tasted like a kuih, chewy with a hint of pandan and the sweetness is just nice. It is called a honeycomb cake because it has holes all over inside of the cake and looks like a beehive.

Note 1: Use 1 tsp. of Pandan paste for more pandan flavor. I only used 1/2 tsp. and my hubby complaint not enough flavor. He wanted it sweeter too.

Note 2: Made my second batch yesterday using a 8" square pan. Added 1 tsp. pandan paste and 1/4 cup more sugar. This definitely more to my liking as the flavor and sweetness go. (added 12/17)

The recipe is posted here:
tt's blog


  1. Ching, one thing less to worry about after the success. That's great for you!

  2. Looks really good...btw, where can you get pandan paste?

  3. BuzzBuzz,
    I can get pandan paste almost in all the oriental stores here. I saw it at Vietnamese, Thai and Chinese stores here. Make sure you buy the one made in Indonesia.

  4. Did you make any alterations when making the cake? I've followed tt' version but it comes out flat everytime. Did you do anything different from his recipe? Thank you.

  5. hi Ching,

    for ur bundt cake version, do u need to double the original recipe portion?


  6. Hi Lissa,
    Nope, I didn't double the recipe for the bundt pan.

  7. Hi Ching, I ried this recipe out twice. 1st time it was flat, mebbe i didnt wait for the sugar/ cocnut milk to cool completely. The 2nd time, i waited for sugar/coconut milk mixt to cool competely. I stirred the eggs carefully, then added gradually the cooled sugar/coconut mixt into the stirred eggs, then i added this mixt gradually into the tapioca flour mixt ( i used the electric mixer lowest speed ), then i poured into the greased n floured bundt tin n baked at 175C ( middle shelf ) for 50 mins.
    My cake erupted like volcano in 3 diff spots on the surface. The bottom part is nice n holey like urs but the top part slightly dense. Any advice wht happened? Did u bake at 350F or lower temp as the bundt cake tin is dark grey?


  8. Hi Lissa,

    Sorry I have no idea what happen. I think I used the fork to beat the eggs and mixed everything with a spatula instead of an electric mixer.

    I didn't change the oven temp. at all.

  9. I have just about gotten the hang of this recipe (I use cream of tar tar and baking soda instead of the single baking powder.) I have the taste and the consistancy of the cake down. However, when I make it, it's one ugly looking cake! I use a non-stick bunt pan (the one that has a whole in the middle) and evertime, my cake sticks to the pan. I have to pry it out of the pan and end up making the top of the cake look really really ugly. I have had this cake in the past that was made from a bunt pan. Their cake is nicely browned on the top. My doesn't look like that at all. I have tried it by following your recipe and also tried it by pre-heating with the pan in the oven before pouring in the batter. Any suggestions?

  10. Hello,

    I tried this cake again in a bunt pan. This time, I sprayed the pan (room temp) with vegetable oil and then floured it on all sides with tapioca flour. I poured in the batter and immediately put it into the oven to bake. Again, my cake is great but I had a hard time getting it out of the pan....I had to pry it out...which made the cake really ugly.

    Can you go through step by step what YOU do to prepare the pan before the batter goes in and into the oven? What type of oil and how do you grease and flour the pan. I just don't understand what I am doing wrong!

    I would appreciate it.


  11. Hi Carol,

    You can try using the baking spray with flour, it should work. If not, just use a 8 inch square/round pan and line the pan with parchment paper, give it a spray before putting in the batter to bake. After you done baking, let it cool before peeling off the parchment paper. This should do the trick.

  12. Hi Ching,
    WONDERUL CAKE! Just like what I like, chewy and hole-y!! I tried the yeast versin of honeycomb cake, it was a disaster! So I'm going try out your recipe, but just two quick questions.
    I want to bake this in 'chee kueh' mould, how long must I bake it for? Or do u think it is a better idea to bake it in a square pan?
    And, when the recipe asks for thick coconut milk, can I just use canned coconut milk?

  13. Hi Mel,
    If you want to bake it in "chee kueh" mold, you will have to cut down the baking time for sure, but to how long I have no idea. Usual baking time for cupcake is 25-30 mins. I also don't know how the honeycomb effect will turn out in a smaller bowl as well. You can experiment if you are adventurous. If you want to play safe, just bake in a square pan and cut into slices. :P

    Yes, you can use canned coconut milk, look for canned coconut cream. I used canned coconut creme for all my cooking & baking recipes. ;)

    Happy Trying!


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