Monday, November 21, 2005

Josh's Braised Pork Belly

I bought a piece of fatty pork from my local supermarket the other day thinking of making Lily's roasted pork belly (siew bak). And then I came across Josh's braised pork belly and I thought this would be best suited for my wontan mee. He provided step-by-step pictures in his recipe so that was easy to follow.

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Braising the fatty pork.

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Dish out to cool before slicing.

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I added tau kwa (deep-fried hard tofu) in the last hour of braising as well.

Verdict: Very delicious, the pork fat just melted in your mouth and the seasoning was just right, very flavorful. Hence, the tau kwa was also very flavorful. He said you can add hard boiled eggs in it as well.

You can get his recipe at under Asian Red Meat. I would cut down the oil to 3 Tbp. instead of the stated 6 Tbp. next time I make it. Because while making this dish, I kept scooping out the oil on top. :P


  1. Hi,
    Stumbled upon your blog. Mind posting Josh's braised pork belly 'cos I need to sign up and log in to

  2. Hi,

    I posted a similar recipe here.

  3. Thanks a lot. I already cooked it but I used lean pork fillet instead cos I didn't have pork belly in my fridge.

  4. You're welcome anon. I cooked it with lean pork before too, healthier. But it tastes better with pork belly.


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