Thursday, November 10, 2005

Cheese Wontan or Crab Rangoon

Cheese Wontan which is also called Crab Rangoon is another Americanize food in the Chinese restaurants here. When I first came here, it was a surprised taste to me and not quite sure what it was. But over the years, it has become one of my favorite appertizers. It almost included in every lunch & dinner special menus these days. Got to love this little snack!

Well, since I bought some cream cheese the other day and got some wrappers in the freezer, why not try my hands on making this delectable snack right? So, here my afternoon experiment and verdict.

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The Twin Dragon wrappers that I used and recommended.

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Cheese filling that I came out with.

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Before deep-frying. I can't seem to wrap it nicely in this shape. Hehe...

After deep-frying.

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Cut open for a peek inside.

Cream Cheese Filling: (yield 18 wontans)

4 oz Philadephia cream cheese, soften.
3 pieces of imitation crabmeats, finely chopped.
1 tsp. dried chives.
2 tsp. sugar.
A sprinkle of salt.
A dash of garlic powder (optional).

Mixed all in a bowl.

Verdict: Taste pretty good. But I could do without the garlic powder and will substitute the dried chives for freshly chopped scallions. I didn't have the scallions and thus the dried chives was used. Will definitely make it again.


  1. Now I know why my cookies never browned, they were never meant too!! hehehhe...thanx for telling me...or I would wondering if I did something wrong in the process, baking is not one of my strong points. Still learning. :D
    And yah, I've seen the broccoflower before. Don't know if it was just the ones here, but they seem a little crunchy even after a quick blanch....As for the KitchenAid, I got it at a very good price. So it was a pretty good deal. Early Christmas pressie!! LOL

  2. Buzzbuzz,
    Cauliflower and broccoflower in itself are very crunchy veggies. A quick blanch won't do it. To make it softer yet still have some crunchiness to it, I have to stir-fry it for a long time and covered the wok to steam it as well.

    That was a nice early Christmas present, good deal or not I can only drool. :)

  3. cheese wanton! yummy! would try it out someday

  4. When I made them I used real crab meat from a can it was spectacular and would reccomend it over the immitation crab meat!!


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