Monday, October 10, 2005

It's Snowing!!

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Her cheeky face!

It's a snow day today and very cold. This kind of day just make you want to curl up in bed and keep warm. Hmmm...a warm soupy noodle, beef stew sound very good now. Since it's the first snow of the season, we dressed her up and took her outside to snap some pictures. She sure love cold weather, not sure whether it got anything to do with she was born in cold weather??


  1. Is it Evy's first snow day?? Heheheh...she's adorable!

  2. Cool pictures. I wish my son could play with snow!! But brrrr... _k

  3. she has grown so much. such a DEAR doll!!!! Love the last pic. so cute.

  4. buzz buzz,

    Thanks! It's her first snow day in this season. But not her first snow experience. ;)

    Just bring him to the states during winter! :)

    Thanks precious moments! :)

  5. Ching, Evy looks more and more like mummy..minus the glasses!

  6. Really Gina? :) That's what my friends are saying now. They said she looked like daddy when she was little and now they said she looks more like me. Hehehe... :D *Happy Dance*

  7. Cute shots of your daughter :)

    If you need inspiration, have a look at my favourite food blog: Obachan's Kitchen & Balcony Garden.

  8. Thanks Amber, will check up your favourite food blog.


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