Thursday, September 22, 2005

Will be MIA

Good news! We bought a new house which is currently being build and won't be ready until Jan next year. We just sold our current house and have to move out by end of this month. So, at the meantime, we will be staying in a rented old house until our house is ready. I'm very excited about my new house and can't wait to move in. :)

I have been spending the past few days packing my stuff. Oh lord...the stuff I have in the can faint. So not looking forward to packing but have to do it! Have to set aside certain items for Goodwill and giveaway too. I will move out of this house on the 28th so I probably won't have any Internet connection for these few days. And of course no cooking or baking or posting food pictures for some time until I'm settle down.


  1. Congrats on your new home!! And how's your little girl these days?

  2. Thanks buzzbuzz and lin! Will post update on my little girl in a few days. :)

  3. So exciting to move house! Is it to a much bigger house? Congratulation.

  4. Thanks Jan! Yes, to a bigger new house and I can't wait. But at the meantime will have to make do in a rented old house for 4 months!!


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