Monday, August 01, 2005

Homemade Ground Chillies in Oil

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My friends always praise about my ground chillies and asked me for the recipe. Thus, I would share it here since it's a good spicy chillies.


3 cups of Dried Chili Peppers (preferably the dried chili padi kind)
2 tsp. Salt
2 tsp. Belacan Powder
Few dashes of Paprika Powder
Few dashes of Cayenne Pepper Powder
2 cup of cooking oil (canola or vegetable)


1. Put the dried chili pepper in a saucepan, covered with enough water and boil it. When boiled, turned off the heat, covered and let it sit for 15 mins or until the dried chili peppers have softened, drained.

2. Use a Food Processor to process the chili until fine. Add in the remaining ingredients except oil and pulse again to mix well. Set aside.

3. At the meantime, heat 2 cup of oil in a saucepan in medium heat until hot. Add the blended chili and stir it around until well mixed. Turn off the heat and let it cool completely before storing in a clean glass jar. Keep in the refrigerator.

~Can be used in anything, as condiment to fried rice or mee hoon or use it in stir-frying belacan vegetable or ikan bilis chili for nasi lemak, etc.

~Yield 1 big bottle


  1. My goodness...u have been COOKING! No wonder i dont see u at myBuddies no more! :(

    Hey, do u mind of i share some of ur food pics at mybuddies and direct them to ur blog?

  2. Oh hi Ray, problem. The recipes here are meant to be share to those who miss Malaysian food anyway.

    Hey, I still go to myBuddies and read the posts quite often ok. :o)

  3. Love your chilli oil recipe. Quick question - how long can it keep in the fridge?


  4. Hi vh,
    Mine can keep for at least 2 months in the refrigerator. If not, just half the recipe so that you can finish it faster.

  5. do you drain the water from the chilly before blending it? Or add the water with it? Will the water remove the spicy taste of the chilly?

  6. Hi ClearTear, yes I drained the water. But if you are using a blender instead of a food processor, add a little oil to blend well. I have edited my method above as well, thanks for pointing it out. :)


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