Monday, May 30, 2005

Bak Chang Season

It's the chang/chung season again! The urge to eat chang made me wrapped my own bak chang this year. I didn't get to make it two years back because (1) I was pregnant and (2) had to take care of a baby last year. I think the color was not dark enough, other than that, it tasted pretty good. This time I managed to use all my filling along with the glutinous rice, (all agaration and thus sometimes with leftover filling). I tried to stuff as much filling and wrap the chang as big as I could with the short bamboo leaves that I bought. (greedy! :0P)

Mental Note: Don't ever buy the short nice bamboo leaves again! But buy the long bamboo leaves, wide is a plus. Then, it's a guarentee big chang everytime.


  1. looks nice....recipe please!! :) _k

  2. mmmm...yummy looking chang. I will be learning the art of wrapping bak chang this Sunday from my mom.

  3. K, I got the recipe from Amy Beh.

    Precious moment, have fun this Sunday! And do post the picture in your blog.

  4. Yummilicious!! I truly admire you, where do you find time for making those marvelous dumplings!! WOW!! I think I might just give it a shot as well!!! Definitely an inspiration..:D Keep it coming!

  5. Nice Chang....Keep it up :) Lynda


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